Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sony Dvp-sr200p Wrong Way

Christ Stopped at Eboli, a method empathic

Christ Stopped at Eboli is an old book from the content and method have not yet passed. I looked after crossing the Lucania sunburnt, I found it to deepen the impressions were born from the visions of the lost world of De Seta, I used to think about what I said from Orgosolo .

I convince myself that I have the right book dall'incipit the first page where Levi describes the world as it prepares to commemorate: "a world close in pain and uses, denied the story and the state, eternally patient, that my land without comfort and sweetness, where the peasant lives in poverty and remoteness, its civilization building, on a dry soil, in the presence of death "(p.1).

emerges the impression of entering a tough world, in a society still and always the same property in itself, divorced from the rest of the world, which ignores what is the history:

"The seasons pass on fatigue country, today as three thousand years before Christ, no human or divine message is addressed to this poverty refractory. We speak a different language: our language here is incomprehensible "(page 2).

incipit A film that reminds me of De Seta, Bandits in Orgosolo , which made the images with what Levi has made with writing: to capture and describe hidden and unknown worlds that have represented the most real life for centuries. The difference between the two lies in the nuances that Levi is able to convey more attention thanks to the use of writing, compared with the visual poetry of De Seta which calls more attention of the viewer. The images are so beautiful and poetic gestures so fast and skilful, that could make the viewer forget the conditions surface of the life of loneliness, struggle and respect for nature, the burning sun, his back to pieces, the ancestral hunger, calluses on hands

" their time is measured over those of the seasonal migration, the research on the pasture, water . The soul of these men has remained primitive. What is right for their law, not for that of the modern world. For they count only the bonds of family, community. Everything else is unintelligible, hostile . The state also is present with the Police, prisons. "

immediately presents the factors that unite the peasant culture of Levi and De Seta: the same hostility For institutions, the State and its repressive methods, the different conception of time measured by the nature and the existence of other laws and values \u200b\u200balien to the modern world the intimate relationship with nature, in conflict, and at the mercy of it, the strong bonds of community, the closure and perpetual immobility. Conditions that helped shape has always been a civilization that was reproduced in different longitudes similarly, up to that modernity has not knocked on the door. Ancient civilizations and cultures today go largely lost.

In describing that country world through its daily life, details the lives, customs, landscapes and nature, Levi is still useful today to retain some parts of the world that even "magic" and charming it was hard, ruthless, like nature very human. We need today to not forget where we came from and where we want to go, not to forget that the way the mountain was abandoned for that of the city also to study, that technology has solved more problems than it has created, which is obscurantist and dangerous to look at old models to solve current problems and future, without thinking about the necessary adjustment without projecting them in today.

But beyond the historical and literary value, the book is of great relevance for the Method emphatic that exploiting the literary prose can us to understand the meaning of another civilization. The way it was another world.

Christ Stopped at Eboli is a book that has stood the test of time for its ability to generate and see sense. Levi's ability to tell a company, which is rural, but that could have been any other that you enter in silence, with eyes open with wonder and sincere sympathy. Not a neutral narrator, but empathetic actor with intent, and the thickness of describing life from the individual lives.

E 'dirty hands and a lot more, is a living, live with-in a family, a place, a city, town. Not the report fleeting, but the desire to understand and share first. Then eventually tell. But the first need is to feed on other lives of intellectual curiosity and not for literary ambition. In the work of Levi

the search for objectivity derives from the empathetic relationship that is established with the farmers, can do (I) Nare the multiplicity of points of view exist, tell all the aspects, to travel in order to have a set of skills that bring out the special sense, the path, the mechanisms, the traces of the interactions of the world. Not to highlight a unique perspective on the world but to understand the interaction of all points of view between them.

As Calvin says, "this man who always says and puts himself at the center of every story, that always brings forth its presence around the extraordinary meetings, then the writer is more devoted to property, the objective world, to people. His method is to describe with respect and devotion to what he sees, with a scruple of loyalty that makes him special and multiply adjectives. His writing is a mere instrument of his love affair with this world, and this fidelity to the objects of his representation.

Such a method applied to a thousand stories-lived, and autobiographical shows the typical characteristics that unite us, the common denominator of all the individuality

"The discovery that I had blood ties to this earth seemed to nicely fill in their eyes, a gap. The see me with a sister moved one of their deepest feelings: that of kinship, that where there is no sense of state or religion, shall, with so much greater intensity than the place. It is not the institution of the family iare , social constraints, legal and sentimental, but the sense of sacred mystery and magic of a community .[...] The women greeted us and covered us with blessings: - Benedict the womb that brought you! - Blessed are the breasts that nursed you! -The old toothless on the doors for a moment ceased to spin wool, to murmur their sentences:-Friar and thickness, core and core -. Luisa, who had brought with him his natural and rational town atmosphere, never ceased to wonder at such a strange enthusiasm for the fact, so simple, I had a sister. "

This mode also uses to describe anecdotes to describe the harmony and the string of things that express, in their path, the ambiguous meaning of an era, its complexity, you can tell the world from a story in relation to many others, and drawing the ' objectivity the world thus generated can appreciate the uniqueness of each story. That the reader is placed in a dual perspective of a life singularizes becomes unique, and a universality of experience that is structured in the lives special.

To conclude with the words of Sartre:

"But every time, behind the irreducible singularity of the fact told, one can see a whole world - our world - as it is expressed and realized in the quality of fugitive presence immediately vanished. I will give this the name sense, as opposed to meanings. The sense, or the incarnation of all in each part, this is what gives the speeches of Charles Levi an inimitable charm.


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