Monday, April 26, 2010

Wishes To My Friend For Her Engagement


A country that was already the center of the 'rural universe and nature emblem interior of Sardinia, the most distant and unattainable , a landmark in Barbagia.

Orgosolo became known first as a center of Sardinian bandits and how protagonist of the famous film by Vittorio De Seta: "Bandits in Orgosolo" .

In 1969 it was at the center of national news for the brave and victorious opposition to ' establishment of a military shooting range in the countryside of Pratobello , a symptom of an ever conflict with the institutions.

A country so small and isolated as alive in my heart. A country that has also rewritten its history and its identity, thanks to an ingenious idea, the professor of art education in his school, Francesco Del Casino, Siena's birth, but either rgolese 's adoption.

Since 1975, thanks to the annual Del Casino and his pupils, and impressed Orgosolo rewrote his own history on the houses, between the windows, bars, courtyards not affected by the sun. Orgosolo has become the land of murals. revolutionary ideas led by visionary lucidity that can be considered the real ransom paid to years of banditry and latent conflicts.

The murals are of struggle, of political denunciation, a clear incentive to the power of speech, thinking, as an incentive to hatch: vital to a community so tight. Giving voice to the injustices of the world, struggles to evoke always a parallel between the struggles sardines and those of other oppressed people. The history of Sardinia and Italy is traced on every wall, from homes to the bar, outside which old and young to old entertain devoting some time to look distracted passers-by: the life of the community and seem to live differently with apparent indifference.

But the houses are also marked by rifle shots that remind me of the words of a policeman friend who served in Sardinia, "everyone has a gun in the house, under the bench in some countries even waive the Police to patrol ", this warning looks like a premonition the first bar, where a poster announcing the festival organized by the group of local hunters, and is called" race to the boar on the move, where the awards are the only weapons and ammunition and a minimum condition of participation gun ownership is a regular firearms.

Orgosolo But it is not only a mystery of houses lying on Supramonte , is also a time for reflection. How we have changed us coming dall''esterno, how they have changed who remained inside. The starting point is given dall'incipit Film De Seta, marked by these words:

" their time is measured over those of the seasonal migration, the research on the pasture, water. Soul of these men has remained primitive. What is right for their law, not for that of the modern world. To count them only bonds of family, community. Everything else is incomprehensible , hostile. The state also is present with the Police, prisons.
of modern civilization known the gun. The gun used to hunt, defend themselves, but also to attack. They can be banned from day to day, almost without realizing it "

from the words and images of these epic shows how pastors changed strongly ' attitude towards this and many other cultures. A style neo-realist efforts to understand and describe reality has given way to a look " folk "Tourism, Culture zoo.

The contradictions are numerous however. The same attitude complaint, regret and resentment towards the disappearance of these cultures seems to hide a position that perhaps unconsciously, it is obscurantist .

How can cry and complain about the disappearance of the peasant-folk cultures identifying as the main responsible "progress", without seeing that they have given way to ' emancipation of young people and women. How can you not recognize the hardness and the sacrifice imposed by that lifestyle? Would never occur to someone who has studied, traveled the world and tested the scent of the comparison of passing his whole life and raise a family in an eternal present and unchanging oppressive? Only someone who was born and raised in small communities know that desire to escape from the desert island: they never tried to put in their place? Or is it just rhetoric that has never been developed until the end? Progress has dissolved the relationship with the land, for better or for worse, he released the spirit and energy to art, has freed women from a birth rate of 9.8 children, has allowed the opening to the ' outside.

opening that is not necessarily painless and free of conflict, friction, regrets. The opening because is deep and genuine also involves the sacrifices, the choices posed by the scarcity of resources, the priorities of life, the need to communicate through language and system of values. At the risk of a privilege simplification of reality to facilitate the arrival point, the achieve their goals.

But then when communicate with someone we do not give hopelessly to compromise for a moment to give our sole and absolute vision of the world at the cost of losing their own nuances to add those of the other? All the action communicative perhaps this tension is transmitted contradictory to involve the least possible withdrawal, with our best effort to be understood, to break down the gap and the inner solitude.

What happens to minorities, rural communities, to the holders unaware of culture, indigenous societies, is not a process of giving up, starting, motivated by the desire to communicate, to integrate and participate? The tragedy evoked to the disappearance of these lost worlds is perhaps not so much in the suffering of the population that actually has been alleviated by the so-called progress, as in the disappearance of a civilization, a different way of life. But he was really happier?

What is often forgotten is that the disappearance of a conscious choice has been made of the same actors who made the arrest, although it was still lived in a way painful. How to define tragedy
the choice of pastor's son who chose to study abandoning the path of the mountain?

The alternative practiced today seems that of enhancement of local culture , a preferable alternative to his death, which often turns into a sale, in a distorted tourism, in a form that pleases ignorant, uninformed and misguided tourists.

The only option then is the voluntary return to the kind of life or maybe a tourist who enters on tiptoe, to say good morning and good evening, which is stimulating the opening exchanges, an experiment that is a bit 'more than one visit, which is integration, but keeping in mind that it will mean a change that will transform forever the same culture Local. But perhaps it is not the case with so much despair.


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