Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gay Guys In Public Toilets

Chile through Spain, the resistance through escape. The lives of three generations who identifies with the struggle itself: the story of Marcelo a long time ago, in Palestine, about a century ago.

's grandfather, then a child, left the Palestinian territories after the First World War that marked the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, want to escape military service, both for the impending disaster socio-economic status, want to transformation of its strip of land in a British protectorate. A territory that was to be divided without a peace to be expected because of internal wars, the happiness of an Arab Christian, at the time, could be found overseas, in the Americas.

What Marcelo not is an exceptional case because Chile is home to the Palestinian community outside the Middle East, the world's largest. It is estimated that about 4-5% of the Chilean population is descended from Arab Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Of these the majority were Palestinians from the Catholic religion, whose exodus was higher between 1860 and the end of the First World War. To escape from a Muslim country, leaving a crumbling empire, and to participate in building a future: the roughly 800,000 descendants today are integrated and interwoven with the resident population and other immigrants from the rest of the world. The wealth of America was born from the desire of its participants .

emigrated to the Arab community in Chile is quickly integrated, focusing initially trade, only to become within a generation substantial part of the middle class up to boast among its representatives of the country's richest men.

's grandfather Marcelo grew up and lived in Chile, leaving his son an identity that is still rich in memories of the Middle East. The father, however, inherit from grandparents and been established, especially the condition of oppressed and refugees, including in the new continent. He married a Chilean woman, a symptom of a integration successful as the rest of the 70% of marriages took place with Palestinians external members of the community of origin, the future father of Marcelo lives political passion actively engaged in the Chilean Socialist Party with the Chilean road to socialism . An experiment slammed hard by the intervention of military force on 11 September 1973, when Salvador Allende died in tragic circumstances in Palacio de la Moneda , starting for about seventeen years of Pinochet's military dictatorship to .

Seventeen years, a dictatorship a long throughout adolescence, 11 September 1973 in fact Marcelo has only a few weeks of life and the renunciation of a father to stay safe exile illegally close to the family and the baby who could not follow him.

Marcelo grows up with a father clandestine officially disappeared desaparecido. grew up in a Catholic school, one of the few remaining institutions that still resisted the dictatorial regime established by Pinochet. A family grew almost normally, as many of those years, if not for the risk of not seeing his father return home in the evening. Apnea seed hiding lasted for about seventeen years, until the fall of the dictatorship, Pinochet's resignation, the first free elections.

Having lived with Marcelo in Granada for about five months has meant opening a window on a world before unknown to me: Chile with its past and recent history, with its expressions in Latin America, with his physiognomy narrow and long, with a coastline of over 4000 km, where the pescado costs less than meat and vegetables you buy directly cassette. A window, and often a sofa, in the Chilean community reproduced on a smaller scale by which we crossed the islands of the archipelago largest Latin American . Communities such as islands, that Sunday recreate their habits, discuss politics, are facing a new country by common categories, cook the complicated curanto , they decide to do something during the strong earthquake that recently hit their country.

Marcelo came from two years in Spain, Granada, to abandon a love story gone wrong in Santiago, Chile was awarded a PhD that will keep him busy for another two years. As a teacher, which he is studying for a course of specialization on how to teach mathematics to teachers themselves, through concepts such as Ethnomathematics and reflecting on the various processes learning .

Living distance is not easy, with an ocean between you and the family. The weight of the distances sometimes you feel when you are reunited with once a year, if your father is gone during your first year abroad, if the country that have suffered so much waiting for you. But Spain is and will be an essential , the chance to discover Europe, to which there is projected to time, the country is the great hall of South America, a country that has the window and bridge to a continent to be discovered, possibly as soon as possible.


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