Saturday, April 10, 2010

Will An Initial Herpes Outbreak Bleed?

eaters mountains *

of Sarah White **

The cultivation of the slots is adjusted the general lines of the European regulations "indicative" (1985, 1997, 2002). In Italy we refer to Royal Decree 1443 of 1927 updated with a few odd laws and decrees , since 1977 the powers belong to the regional governments. Campania has covered the excavation with two laws (1985, 1995), the first of which was not provided for the environmental restoration of the site. These laws provide for development instead of a quarry which is present in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) the commencement or continuation of quarrying is subject to authorization by the Region, and the recovery should be contextual to the cultivation : you can not design a single year of recovery after twenty years of extraction. There will also rules for the environmental rehabilitation of abandoned quarries and unfair, but so far no quarry of those cultivated and abandoned the first 85, was recovered. There is also a fee in € per cubic meter to pay for the extraction. In the Italian regions will pay an average of four percent of the selling price of aggregates in some regions (Valle D'Aosta, Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata, Sicily, Sardinia) is even free slot, in Campania, the price is 0.22 euro/m3: while the concessions are sold off or given away, the miners obtained a billion and seven hundred thirty-five million euro per year, the Regions fifty-three million euro. The Czech Republic has introduced the concept of land use also taxing the area occupied by quarries. In the UK license fee is six times that required in Italy. But there are alternatives to the extraction, one of them is the recovery of the aggregates from demolition in construction, which creates more jobs work and that in many European countries are replacing the quarrying activity. In Denmark today, recourse is made to ninety percent of recycled aggregates rather than the quarry.

In Campania most of the material taken is directed to the construction industry. Among others, the limestone, consumer product in the construction industry. Today, the limestone is mainly extracted to produce lime and cement, which stem from the fact clinker, limestone and clay mixture of other materials with which they are added up and deployment of energy production of polluting fumes, so that the factories must be located away from population centers.

Our country stands in Europe (second only to Spain) for the production of cement, of which seventy percent for construction. One of the main producers and cementing Spa, founded in 1947 and IRI sold in '92 to Caltagirone Spa for four hundred billion lire . The company has developed an extensive network of factories and commercial offices. In 2001, publicly traded and is now the fourth largest cement producer in Italy and Turkey and the leading producer of white cement and concrete in Scandinavia. It currently has more than a hundred plants around the world.

In 1968 he built the cement of Maddaloni, started operations in 1975 and is still challenged by citizen groups and committees. La Cava Victoria, falling in the towns of Caserta and Maddaloni, provides the calcium necessary for the production of clinker of cement, which lies close to the deposit of limestone of Monte San Michele, near many towns. Since 2007 an on-going conflict between citizens who for years fighting for land conservation and health and the law, and the owner of the Caltagirone Group Cementir, who wants a permit for a draft "environmental restoration and cultivation of completion of the Quarry Victory" (already approved) and the "cultivation and environmental restoration as an extension (on the eastern side of Mount St. Michael).

In particular, the ace up the sleeve of Cement is the RD 3267, 1923, which speaks of how a forest area can be transformed into "quality of other crops" in Following authorization by the Forest Service. But ordinarily we speak of pastures and vineyards, not mining, among others in area subjected to geological constraint. Looking then the mapping Plan Excerpt Basin Authority of the North West Campania evident the many other constraints of the subject area concerned the extension and the area already excavated the quarry Victoria. Both are located in Areas of Crisis AC and ZC critical area in the immediate vicinity of ZAC, Highly Critical Area, and landscape protection area. The area expansion was also covered by fire and you could not use it for fifteen years from the date of the fire (L.353/2000), there is the constraint for reforestation and reclamation montana (L.11/96 ) and then it is moderate landslide risk areas, medium and high (R1, R2, R3).

should be specified that are subject to the constraint hydrogeological "the nature and purpose of any land which may be public denudation with damage, loss of stability or undermining the system of waters", and our case we are in extreme conditions of groundwater resources of the massif of the mountains Tifatini, without a system for monitoring water levels and water quality, sentenced to a process of desiccation and desertification now thoroughly started.

The presence of cement and cement Moccia is also incompatible with the very near urbanized centers, where according to recent statistics are the sharp increase in cancer, asthma and skin diseases, due to the large amounts of fine particles in the atmosphere. For the same reason, the University Hospital coveted by the city of Caserta will never open as long persist emissions from the two factories. And the university has not yet ruled on ...

also play an important role workers, supported by the CGIL, defend their place of work, location of course Opificio same defense. A job that has caused the death but in the past of some of their colleagues. The Committees argue that the problem does not arise because the same job you have relocated in the cement works and the naturalization of abandoned quarries (three hundred only in the province of Caserta), and in the recovery of the aggregates from demolition.

The facts seem clear at this point of the game. We expect more big surprises. The conclusion is probably already written and is not optimistic those who fight for a better city. And if we already arrived at the fifteenth services conference, held March 2 (which by law should be "void for violation of Law 241/90, which sets the period for its termination within ninety days have not been decided where different terms), there is little to be optimistic.

: This article has already appeared in the March issue of the magazine's investigation monitor.

** Photographs by Alessandro De Filippo


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