Monday, April 26, 2010

Hollywilloughby Fakes

A Sovico Buttini ago poker; placed Barbato and Premoli

Sovico - Buttini Sovico to make the fourth and beat all opponents. It 's still very young, thanks to the young athlete that plays in the G2 that the budget of the performance of athletes Gialloblu is positive. In the Juniors race that was held in Sovico, valid for the Championship Brianteo, was attended by the best athletes in Brianza. Fourth consecutive win in four races for the young Luca, coached by his father Gabriel and Dino Buttini Vassena. In the test Sovico organized by Veloclub Sovico, the race was all a comeback. In the first round, the young cyclist was left Seregnesi lingered on the tread. Already on the second pass, however, Luke was able Buttini Carry-over to first. Victory in a sprint finish on the same age of POL that on the final straight Molinello had to surrender at the click of a young rider Gialloblu. Sunday unfortunate for many of the athletes of Salus in the race. Luca Mariani Tilotta G2 and Anastasia, his debut ever in the race, had to stop after a fall: the tortuous path has put a strain on the athletes.
good form for the G5: it confirms once again the first three Lorenzo Barbato, seventh at the finish. Also good Marika Premoli ranking female in the sixth square. Meanwhile
began preparations for the tests organized by the Society Seregnesi: open dance, May 30, the youngest with the classical test given to six groups involved in the walking tour organized for the celebration of Don Orione. Just days after then will be the turn of Beginners, June 13, the Trophy Meroni. Commitments to close the season with the trophy Students Massimo Elli on 19 September.

Wishes To My Friend For Her Engagement


A country that was already the center of the 'rural universe and nature emblem interior of Sardinia, the most distant and unattainable , a landmark in Barbagia.

Orgosolo became known first as a center of Sardinian bandits and how protagonist of the famous film by Vittorio De Seta: "Bandits in Orgosolo" .

In 1969 it was at the center of national news for the brave and victorious opposition to ' establishment of a military shooting range in the countryside of Pratobello , a symptom of an ever conflict with the institutions.

A country so small and isolated as alive in my heart. A country that has also rewritten its history and its identity, thanks to an ingenious idea, the professor of art education in his school, Francesco Del Casino, Siena's birth, but either rgolese 's adoption.

Since 1975, thanks to the annual Del Casino and his pupils, and impressed Orgosolo rewrote his own history on the houses, between the windows, bars, courtyards not affected by the sun. Orgosolo has become the land of murals. revolutionary ideas led by visionary lucidity that can be considered the real ransom paid to years of banditry and latent conflicts.

The murals are of struggle, of political denunciation, a clear incentive to the power of speech, thinking, as an incentive to hatch: vital to a community so tight. Giving voice to the injustices of the world, struggles to evoke always a parallel between the struggles sardines and those of other oppressed people. The history of Sardinia and Italy is traced on every wall, from homes to the bar, outside which old and young to old entertain devoting some time to look distracted passers-by: the life of the community and seem to live differently with apparent indifference.

But the houses are also marked by rifle shots that remind me of the words of a policeman friend who served in Sardinia, "everyone has a gun in the house, under the bench in some countries even waive the Police to patrol ", this warning looks like a premonition the first bar, where a poster announcing the festival organized by the group of local hunters, and is called" race to the boar on the move, where the awards are the only weapons and ammunition and a minimum condition of participation gun ownership is a regular firearms.

Orgosolo But it is not only a mystery of houses lying on Supramonte , is also a time for reflection. How we have changed us coming dall''esterno, how they have changed who remained inside. The starting point is given dall'incipit Film De Seta, marked by these words:

" their time is measured over those of the seasonal migration, the research on the pasture, water. Soul of these men has remained primitive. What is right for their law, not for that of the modern world. To count them only bonds of family, community. Everything else is incomprehensible , hostile. The state also is present with the Police, prisons.
of modern civilization known the gun. The gun used to hunt, defend themselves, but also to attack. They can be banned from day to day, almost without realizing it "

from the words and images of these epic shows how pastors changed strongly ' attitude towards this and many other cultures. A style neo-realist efforts to understand and describe reality has given way to a look " folk "Tourism, Culture zoo.

The contradictions are numerous however. The same attitude complaint, regret and resentment towards the disappearance of these cultures seems to hide a position that perhaps unconsciously, it is obscurantist .

How can cry and complain about the disappearance of the peasant-folk cultures identifying as the main responsible "progress", without seeing that they have given way to ' emancipation of young people and women. How can you not recognize the hardness and the sacrifice imposed by that lifestyle? Would never occur to someone who has studied, traveled the world and tested the scent of the comparison of passing his whole life and raise a family in an eternal present and unchanging oppressive? Only someone who was born and raised in small communities know that desire to escape from the desert island: they never tried to put in their place? Or is it just rhetoric that has never been developed until the end? Progress has dissolved the relationship with the land, for better or for worse, he released the spirit and energy to art, has freed women from a birth rate of 9.8 children, has allowed the opening to the ' outside.

opening that is not necessarily painless and free of conflict, friction, regrets. The opening because is deep and genuine also involves the sacrifices, the choices posed by the scarcity of resources, the priorities of life, the need to communicate through language and system of values. At the risk of a privilege simplification of reality to facilitate the arrival point, the achieve their goals.

But then when communicate with someone we do not give hopelessly to compromise for a moment to give our sole and absolute vision of the world at the cost of losing their own nuances to add those of the other? All the action communicative perhaps this tension is transmitted contradictory to involve the least possible withdrawal, with our best effort to be understood, to break down the gap and the inner solitude.

What happens to minorities, rural communities, to the holders unaware of culture, indigenous societies, is not a process of giving up, starting, motivated by the desire to communicate, to integrate and participate? The tragedy evoked to the disappearance of these lost worlds is perhaps not so much in the suffering of the population that actually has been alleviated by the so-called progress, as in the disappearance of a civilization, a different way of life. But he was really happier?

What is often forgotten is that the disappearance of a conscious choice has been made of the same actors who made the arrest, although it was still lived in a way painful. How to define tragedy
the choice of pastor's son who chose to study abandoning the path of the mountain?

The alternative practiced today seems that of enhancement of local culture , a preferable alternative to his death, which often turns into a sale, in a distorted tourism, in a form that pleases ignorant, uninformed and misguided tourists.

The only option then is the voluntary return to the kind of life or maybe a tourist who enters on tiptoe, to say good morning and good evening, which is stimulating the opening exchanges, an experiment that is a bit 'more than one visit, which is integration, but keeping in mind that it will mean a change that will transform forever the same culture Local. But perhaps it is not the case with so much despair.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Older Honeywell Thermostats

San Giuliano shine to the young and first time at Lorenzo Ferri between Esordieti

Seregno - The double header in San Giuliano Milanese brings satisfaction to many cyclists Salus Seregno. Take good news in the morning we thought Lorenzo Ferri, in his first year with newcomers, who in his race for his class was able to get positioning in the standings to ninth. Already in recent weeks promising young Gialloblu had made it clear to opponents that was in a good form: although it was only his first race in this category in recent weeks has always finished the race getting closer to the leading group. For Riccardo Zappa, who arrived with the group testing in San Giuliano, the second bishop of the debutants in the team, the condition improves with every race doing great hope for the next few weeks. Victoria and rain placings came from the very young.
Puts the third consecutive victory Luca Buttini in G2. Another victory in the sprint for the younger athletes Salus. A positive surprise third place Lorenzo Barbato: excellent solo flight in place for over a lap and a half of the route that is earned in the final third place on the podium in San Giuliano. Second place for Marika Premoli G5 in the women who left behind four other opponents. Close to victory for Dario di Blasi in G6. Only a handful of inches in the final sprint denied the joy of victory to the young rider of Salus. Also point out the placings and Mariani Fumagalli that have completed their respective categories in the first ten winners. The good performance of all athletes Gialloblu Salus also earned the second place in the tournament reserved for the company present at Sunday's race. The Students Cazzaniga Marco Brambilla and Christina took the road test in Magnolia: For their 17th and 24th place in the final standings.

04/18/2010 - Lombardy - San Giuliano Milanese (MI) 8
TROPHY CITY 'OF SAN GIULIANO MILANESE of 30 km at an average of 34,615 km / h
classification: 1 st
2 ° Alzina MARTINA (SCBUSTO Garolfo ASD)
4 ° CASSANO LORENZO (VC Pontefract F. 1957 WEDGE)
5 ° TIMIŞ Gratian (SCMUZZA 75)
6 ° ROSSETTI GRETA (Cesano Maderno)
Casalinuovo 8 ° CLEAR (Cesano Maderno)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gay Guys In Public Toilets

Chile through Spain, the resistance through escape. The lives of three generations who identifies with the struggle itself: the story of Marcelo a long time ago, in Palestine, about a century ago.

's grandfather, then a child, left the Palestinian territories after the First World War that marked the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, want to escape military service, both for the impending disaster socio-economic status, want to transformation of its strip of land in a British protectorate. A territory that was to be divided without a peace to be expected because of internal wars, the happiness of an Arab Christian, at the time, could be found overseas, in the Americas.

What Marcelo not is an exceptional case because Chile is home to the Palestinian community outside the Middle East, the world's largest. It is estimated that about 4-5% of the Chilean population is descended from Arab Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Of these the majority were Palestinians from the Catholic religion, whose exodus was higher between 1860 and the end of the First World War. To escape from a Muslim country, leaving a crumbling empire, and to participate in building a future: the roughly 800,000 descendants today are integrated and interwoven with the resident population and other immigrants from the rest of the world. The wealth of America was born from the desire of its participants .

emigrated to the Arab community in Chile is quickly integrated, focusing initially trade, only to become within a generation substantial part of the middle class up to boast among its representatives of the country's richest men.

's grandfather Marcelo grew up and lived in Chile, leaving his son an identity that is still rich in memories of the Middle East. The father, however, inherit from grandparents and been established, especially the condition of oppressed and refugees, including in the new continent. He married a Chilean woman, a symptom of a integration successful as the rest of the 70% of marriages took place with Palestinians external members of the community of origin, the future father of Marcelo lives political passion actively engaged in the Chilean Socialist Party with the Chilean road to socialism . An experiment slammed hard by the intervention of military force on 11 September 1973, when Salvador Allende died in tragic circumstances in Palacio de la Moneda , starting for about seventeen years of Pinochet's military dictatorship to .

Seventeen years, a dictatorship a long throughout adolescence, 11 September 1973 in fact Marcelo has only a few weeks of life and the renunciation of a father to stay safe exile illegally close to the family and the baby who could not follow him.

Marcelo grows up with a father clandestine officially disappeared desaparecido. grew up in a Catholic school, one of the few remaining institutions that still resisted the dictatorial regime established by Pinochet. A family grew almost normally, as many of those years, if not for the risk of not seeing his father return home in the evening. Apnea seed hiding lasted for about seventeen years, until the fall of the dictatorship, Pinochet's resignation, the first free elections.

Having lived with Marcelo in Granada for about five months has meant opening a window on a world before unknown to me: Chile with its past and recent history, with its expressions in Latin America, with his physiognomy narrow and long, with a coastline of over 4000 km, where the pescado costs less than meat and vegetables you buy directly cassette. A window, and often a sofa, in the Chilean community reproduced on a smaller scale by which we crossed the islands of the archipelago largest Latin American . Communities such as islands, that Sunday recreate their habits, discuss politics, are facing a new country by common categories, cook the complicated curanto , they decide to do something during the strong earthquake that recently hit their country.

Marcelo came from two years in Spain, Granada, to abandon a love story gone wrong in Santiago, Chile was awarded a PhD that will keep him busy for another two years. As a teacher, which he is studying for a course of specialization on how to teach mathematics to teachers themselves, through concepts such as Ethnomathematics and reflecting on the various processes learning .

Living distance is not easy, with an ocean between you and the family. The weight of the distances sometimes you feel when you are reunited with once a year, if your father is gone during your first year abroad, if the country that have suffered so much waiting for you. But Spain is and will be an essential , the chance to discover Europe, to which there is projected to time, the country is the great hall of South America, a country that has the window and bridge to a continent to be discovered, possibly as soon as possible.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Turntable Repair Calgary

Luca Buttini put the first signature on Brianteo

Seregno - Brilla still young rider of G2, Luca Buttini, the second output of the season for the youngsters of SALUS Seregno. This time her signature at the top of the list came the first round of the trophy Brianteo Inzago organized in Vimercate. Race important and eagerly awaited by all the youth teams that played in the Province of Monza and Brianza, so that the six starts, took away more than 40 athletes for competition, for a total of over 250 athletes present. Thus in addition to the difficulties that meteorologists, wind and cold have limited the performance of all, to make it even harder the second race on the calendar, the presence of the best exponents of the youth categories. Brianteo is precisely the goal of the season for the young Gialloblu coached by Gabriele Buttini Ds and dad, who just last year, its first official season has faded to a whisper. The second win of the season came thanks to a progression and a sprint win. The action of Seregnesi began the penultimate lap. The young rider of Salus Seregno that plays in the G2, has taken off. To follow the action of his fellow mercenary force, a representative of Lorenzo Pagni and Gobbo. The three have pulled all doing the void behind them. The test was then decided on the last corner exit. Buttini occurred on the finish straight, in third place, behind their opponents. With a final sprint of the past, however, managed to burn two opponents and appear for the first under the banner of arrival. To be recorded even better performance in G5 Marika Premoli, who finished fourth in the women's standings. Continue the season for senior athletes. Improves the shape of Lorenzo Ferri, in his second race among the beginners of 1 year. Good try his Olgiate Molgora, for the 3rd Criterium Industrial Service, where he arrived in the early twenties. Riccardo Zappa stops on the second lap with a mechanical problem. Students competing in Senago effort for the third season of the 2nd National Cooperative trophy.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

What Hologram Is On An Ohio Drivers

I am I am Chilean Marcelo

Will An Initial Herpes Outbreak Bleed?

eaters mountains *

of Sarah White **

The cultivation of the slots is adjusted the general lines of the European regulations "indicative" (1985, 1997, 2002). In Italy we refer to Royal Decree 1443 of 1927 updated with a few odd laws and decrees , since 1977 the powers belong to the regional governments. Campania has covered the excavation with two laws (1985, 1995), the first of which was not provided for the environmental restoration of the site. These laws provide for development instead of a quarry which is present in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) the commencement or continuation of quarrying is subject to authorization by the Region, and the recovery should be contextual to the cultivation : you can not design a single year of recovery after twenty years of extraction. There will also rules for the environmental rehabilitation of abandoned quarries and unfair, but so far no quarry of those cultivated and abandoned the first 85, was recovered. There is also a fee in € per cubic meter to pay for the extraction. In the Italian regions will pay an average of four percent of the selling price of aggregates in some regions (Valle D'Aosta, Puglia, Calabria, Basilicata, Sicily, Sardinia) is even free slot, in Campania, the price is 0.22 euro/m3: while the concessions are sold off or given away, the miners obtained a billion and seven hundred thirty-five million euro per year, the Regions fifty-three million euro. The Czech Republic has introduced the concept of land use also taxing the area occupied by quarries. In the UK license fee is six times that required in Italy. But there are alternatives to the extraction, one of them is the recovery of the aggregates from demolition in construction, which creates more jobs work and that in many European countries are replacing the quarrying activity. In Denmark today, recourse is made to ninety percent of recycled aggregates rather than the quarry.

In Campania most of the material taken is directed to the construction industry. Among others, the limestone, consumer product in the construction industry. Today, the limestone is mainly extracted to produce lime and cement, which stem from the fact clinker, limestone and clay mixture of other materials with which they are added up and deployment of energy production of polluting fumes, so that the factories must be located away from population centers.

Our country stands in Europe (second only to Spain) for the production of cement, of which seventy percent for construction. One of the main producers and cementing Spa, founded in 1947 and IRI sold in '92 to Caltagirone Spa for four hundred billion lire . The company has developed an extensive network of factories and commercial offices. In 2001, publicly traded and is now the fourth largest cement producer in Italy and Turkey and the leading producer of white cement and concrete in Scandinavia. It currently has more than a hundred plants around the world.

In 1968 he built the cement of Maddaloni, started operations in 1975 and is still challenged by citizen groups and committees. La Cava Victoria, falling in the towns of Caserta and Maddaloni, provides the calcium necessary for the production of clinker of cement, which lies close to the deposit of limestone of Monte San Michele, near many towns. Since 2007 an on-going conflict between citizens who for years fighting for land conservation and health and the law, and the owner of the Caltagirone Group Cementir, who wants a permit for a draft "environmental restoration and cultivation of completion of the Quarry Victory" (already approved) and the "cultivation and environmental restoration as an extension (on the eastern side of Mount St. Michael).

In particular, the ace up the sleeve of Cement is the RD 3267, 1923, which speaks of how a forest area can be transformed into "quality of other crops" in Following authorization by the Forest Service. But ordinarily we speak of pastures and vineyards, not mining, among others in area subjected to geological constraint. Looking then the mapping Plan Excerpt Basin Authority of the North West Campania evident the many other constraints of the subject area concerned the extension and the area already excavated the quarry Victoria. Both are located in Areas of Crisis AC and ZC critical area in the immediate vicinity of ZAC, Highly Critical Area, and landscape protection area. The area expansion was also covered by fire and you could not use it for fifteen years from the date of the fire (L.353/2000), there is the constraint for reforestation and reclamation montana (L.11/96 ) and then it is moderate landslide risk areas, medium and high (R1, R2, R3).

should be specified that are subject to the constraint hydrogeological "the nature and purpose of any land which may be public denudation with damage, loss of stability or undermining the system of waters", and our case we are in extreme conditions of groundwater resources of the massif of the mountains Tifatini, without a system for monitoring water levels and water quality, sentenced to a process of desiccation and desertification now thoroughly started.

The presence of cement and cement Moccia is also incompatible with the very near urbanized centers, where according to recent statistics are the sharp increase in cancer, asthma and skin diseases, due to the large amounts of fine particles in the atmosphere. For the same reason, the University Hospital coveted by the city of Caserta will never open as long persist emissions from the two factories. And the university has not yet ruled on ...

also play an important role workers, supported by the CGIL, defend their place of work, location of course Opificio same defense. A job that has caused the death but in the past of some of their colleagues. The Committees argue that the problem does not arise because the same job you have relocated in the cement works and the naturalization of abandoned quarries (three hundred only in the province of Caserta), and in the recovery of the aggregates from demolition.

The facts seem clear at this point of the game. We expect more big surprises. The conclusion is probably already written and is not optimistic those who fight for a better city. And if we already arrived at the fifteenth services conference, held March 2 (which by law should be "void for violation of Law 241/90, which sets the period for its termination within ninety days have not been decided where different terms), there is little to be optimistic.

: This article has already appeared in the March issue of the magazine's investigation monitor.

** Photographs by Alessandro De Filippo

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Baggerfarm For Pigs In Ga

begins with the double "bang" the season of Juniors

Seregno - If you see a good day from morning ... Salus the season of cycling will Seregno glittering success. They are in fact the two victories that have adorned the season debut of "puppy" of society Gialloblu. Monday, April 5 in the province of Novara has officially taken the 2010 racing season. Double success for Luke Buttini in G2 and G5 in Lorenzo Barbato have won the first official release on the road. G2 brilliant victory of the young, who last season showed 18 / 1 seats. Push power to Luke Buttini: two on the run literally burned his opponent in the final sprint through the first under the banner of arrival.
debut with the jersey of Salus also Toninato Frederick, 4th after a race always on the attack. To hold high the flag of the G3 has thought Luca Fumagalli you square in seventh place despite the short training in these early weeks. The best results came from the G5. Marika Premoli just missed the win with a 2nd place ranking in women. Better than she did Lorenzo Barbato who triumphed in his trial. My compliments go directly to the athlete by the coach Gabriele Buttini who praised the technical act of promising young yellow and blue, "After race and above all a great sprint speed "was the flattering comments of Ds. Dry premier class victories this season but the opportunities are not missed. To be recorded, however, the good race and Davide Mariani Dario Di Blasi. For both race as protagonists: they spent too much during the first few laps in a sprint finish and failed to enter 5. The only regret and Francis Barnes, son of art, which debuted in G2 has fallen to second lap. The great start to the season has brought home the third place Salus for the cup of society.
season debut Sunday for two of the four Gialloblu Beginners. Alzate Brianza first exit to the season for Lorenzo Ferri and Riccardo Zappa both of 1 Year. Continue the search for a better shape for the two students Salus. Sunday, March 28 at the onset Pugin. At Easter the traditional way in a Closed Cup Sovico. Limited a little 'from inclement weather and especially cold Christian Brambilla (1st Year) and Marco Cazzaniga (2nd Year) finished the race in groups.