Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Semen Smells Like Fish Sauce

Caserta, between concrete and future

Cementir Ltd has been allowed to get away for another twenty years, after more than thirty years of presence territory. On 14 December last, the twelfth conference services at the Civil Engineering Department of Caserta ended with a decision of a draft opinion in favor of "cultivation and recovery unit for the continuation of mining "in S. Michele, Mountains Tifatini falling in the town of Maddaloni. After more than two years of administrative battles between environmental groups and the cementation of Caltagirone, the latter was granted permission to get even the eastern side of Mount St. Michael, having already spent the west facade. The nationals of Maddaloni and villages of Thirteen, Centura St. Clement and the Municipality of Caserta, probably will have to live and die with the powder of the cement industry, unhealthy first class. The landscape, more like a Swiss cheese in a hilly area that is so definitively condemned, and the upgrading and rehabilitation projects with him.

The approval of a project falling in Areas of Crisis, functional retraining of a large local context ", sounds like an insult to the citizens who fought against the expansion. Although the original project have been removed portions of land covered by the bonds of reforestation, hydrogeological and fire , were found to significantly silence the opinion of the Superintendent and environmental compatibility of the Region Campania.

The first relied on the tacit consent on the landscape obligations, although the Commission itself integrated construction of the City of Maddaloni had a negative opinion, but not binding. Constraint that seemed more than justified by the presence of bridges in the valley, the Vanvitelli aqueduct bringing water to the palace and that is inserted between the UNESCO heritage. The second, through the Environmental Protection Industry, has expressed a positive opinion in its Environmental Impact Assessment contradicting with the views expressed in the previous EIA's largest work in the territory of the last twenty years, or the Hospital building university, which is only 500 m from the Cave. In 2004, it poses the same region as a condition sine qua non the construction of the clinic closure and reclamation of quarries (which have taken place already in 2007).

Since the policy has once again proved unable to consistently plan and schedule activities, the case has become a political Cementir only when there is mention of incompatibility with the future hospital. Already in recent months, local politics had expressed his discontent. The first to speak out was the mayor of Caserta, Nicodemus Petteruti, which through a special resolution of the City Council had expressed his opposition to the continuation of mining. Then came the turn of the province that has claimed the role of "programming" of the territory in answer to a no enlargement, and finally the ex-Bishop of Caserta, Nogaro, had vehemently denounced the expansion, defining the grooves " infernal "and summoning the people to revolt.

Although cement is we won on the administrative side, but now there is the battle of politics.

facing on one side and the men of Caltagirone Maddalonese stakeholders, including workers (about one hundred) defended by the union, or purchased by some faint promise of financial compensation. On the other hand, environmentalists, citizens' committees, but most supporters (and stakeholders) of the Hospital building that will cost 200 million €. A work from five beds and five employees, plus an estimated additional 5000 induced jobs.

It is no coincidence that politicians and politicians from all parties have shouted the scandal and look forward to using for cover before it's too late. Nicholas Caputo, chairman of the transparency of building St. Lucia, has proposed a query about council, the leader of the CISL, Carmine Crisci, who followed the work of the Hospital since the beginning believes "that the speech should be addressed so overall, we must understand if the territory wants [the cave] or not, analyzing all aspects of the question, starting with the employment "and, finally, Gennaro Oliviero (PSE) declaring the side of environmental groups filed an order the agenda for the withdrawal "of all acts done by the Region." The same Oliviero, however, do not forget to mention that the "Hospital is nearing completion and could be a white elephant."

Citizens, in fact, have gone unheeded, and the policy was only awakened by the fear of losing an opportunity for "development", a bigger pie, as that of hospital. The programming has once again been sacrificed in the interests of the public and not quotas.


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