Monday, August 23, 2010

Xtra 10 Suspension Manual

Outsourcing Policy of cross-border migration and friends

The objective of the social sciences should be to question the so-called unintended consequences of individual actions. Studying only the desired results would not make sense just because there would be little to say about the real unknown social effects are indirect and unexpected actions and policies that are effective but have serious effects in the opposite direction to that desired.

To quote the words of FA Hayek: "If the social phenomena do not manifest any other order other than that conferred by their conscious intentionality, there is no room for no theoretical research of the company and everything would be reduced only as often said, the problems of psychology ".

addition to the outcomes of the unintended consequences you experience a cascade of unintended
, that sedimentation and interacting over time to illuminate regularities, that is, those phenomena, which are therefore subject to the social sciences.

Today through political activism in Western democracies we have many examples of this type, the support policies that create unemployed institutionalized policies of "development" that degrade the territories, to safeguard policies and a cast that create exclusion.

Another example is offered by European policies concerning the free movement of persons within its borders. This common, beginning with the
Schengen Agreement, which took immediate effect the removal of internal borders, free movement of European citizens and the right to settle, study, work, live and die in any State of the Union. Beautiful goal that helped cemented the foundation for new generations of Europeans who travel know, host, love, live more and more like a large mainland population. Once on a visit to the European Commission in Brussels, a senior official said "Europe was made by two things, Erasmus and low cost." An enthusiasm for a world without borders, however, marked by a strong Euro-centrism: there it was realized that eliminating internal borders were building moats and outer walls. He was born Fortress Europe.

Schengen Agreement had not in fact as the only goal the abolition of systematic checks on persons at borders, but also the strengthening of controls at external borders of space Schengen precisely to ensure the achievement of the first objective without compromising the security and the balance of European countries. Fifteen years ago nobody thought that to achieve a freedom that we value equal to assisistito coercion in the movements of others. A clear unintended consequences.

To ensure freedom of movement within it was necessary at the same time strengthen the external borders, we know freedom is not the absence of rules, but the right number of rules so that they can feel free, which widened the area of \u200b\u200bfreedom internal limiting the outside to prevent leaks in the system. We had aside the barriers of new intermediate eregi further, introducing a visa requirement for nationals of third countries, stricter controls at external borders and more restrictive measures for legal migration, thereby creating a market for illegal migration and delegating more and more their neighboring countries to control migration flows. The so-called
externalization of migration policy:

"The term 'esternalizazzione' is the economic vocabulary and describes the fact that sub-contract part of production process to third. On the subject of migration indicates the strategy of transfer to a third of the capacity and responsibility to control migration flows. In our case refers to the agreements signed between Italy and Libya so that it handles the influx of migrants crossing its territory. This strategy is applied with all the neighboring countries of the EU both at bilateral and EU ".

" This policy has restricted the ability Legal access to the European territory and has had a counter-productive: paradoxically, the development of free movement within the European territory has resulted in the erection of an external border more tightly and thus the increase of illegal migration, making vain attempts to control the territory and flows of people within this " * .

" L'idea outsource the migration policy, namely the monitoring of borders comes from the assumption that once you enter the Schengen area, illegal migrants are more difficult to expel.

The Strategy therefore has been to put pressure on Member States which national border coincided with the EU's external border in the Mediterranean, the main door ' entry of illegal migrants. Since the late 90s, Spain was the center of this process until you have implemented the SIVE (Integrated System of External Vigilance) in the Strait of Gibraltar in 1998 - and then the Canary Islands [i] when there has shifted the pressure of migration from 'Africa - with financial assistance from the EU. This network of radars, sensors, thermal cameras and infrared allowed optimal supervision of its coastline, making it almost impossible to cross the sea at this level.

But since the cost of this strategy hi-tech border surveillance, early of the 2000s has turned to a strategy of empowerment of states in the Southern Mediterranean and the transfer of capacity to control migration flows. It is this strategy which is now the outsourcing that we want to analyze and characterize the Italian-Libyan cooperation migration latest. This externalization is taking place both at European and Member State level. At the European level has led to the establishment of the Frontex , European Agency for the Management of International Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union has been operational since 2005. The Summit in Seville in 2002 states that now, any kind of relationship between a country and the EU should include a clause on joint management of migration flows [ii] . From there, the EU has integrated this joint management of flows, increasingly present in the instruments of cooperation with the countries of the Mediterranean: MEDA [iii] , European Neighbourhood Policy, etc.. At the level of EU countries themselves, one of the most popular of this externalization is the signing of readmission agreements allowing them to link directly in third countries, migrants have arrived in their territory in an illegal manner " * .

concentrates on the process of European integration in the meantime, we realized the barriers erected between us and them, that in fact we have created a club, the most exclusive in the world where people are willing to die just to get and that threatens to isolate creating macro-areas from which you can easily get out but difficult to enter. Turkish friends that never came to visit in Italy, Moroccan friends who are fighting to get a visa, young people trying to cross borders under the pretext of studying to watch a world otherwise all too exclusive. Europe without borders is beginning to show its contradictions and its limitations, maybe not as we had imagined. Globalization with two weights and two measures because of which even the appearance of cross-border visit friends.

[i] ELMADMAD, Khadidja. Op. cit.

[ii] « 33. (…) The European Council urges that any future cooperation, association or equivalent agreement which the European Union or the European Community concludes with any country should include a clause on joint management of migration flows and on compulsory readmission in the event of illegal immigration. " Excerpt from the final declaration of the Seville European Council, 21-22 June 2002.

[iii] Presentation of the MEDA program: / r15006_it.htm

* this text is an anticipation of an article by Sonia Grigt web magazine that will appear on


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