Monday, August 23, 2010

Rc Boars With Weed Eater Engine

Discussions continue barbarous

In recent days I could not escape the last debate that took place between Baricco and Eugenio Scalfari the pages of the Republic. A letter from the first to second, the founder and former editor of the newspaper, discussing the "barbarians and barbaric".

Baricco's argument is always the same as expressed in his book "The Barbarians" that has given me so much inspiration to write four posts: here, here , and this that.

It 'be interesting to see the author come back years later (the book was written in 2006) because I have the impression that it has softened and that the apocalyptic tone has given way to more measured and precise observations as precisely the difference between "barbarians and barbaric".

shines, but maybe it's just my impression, becoming more positive towards the future that is being built (and thus destroying):

"What I seem to have realized is that that form of barbarism barbarity inevitably generates but also, simultaneously, reconstruction, and civilization. Not could it be otherwise. "

And the distinction between" barbarism "and" barbarism "

" So why should we judge ungrammatical posts by Steve Jobs that people use on their iPhone? Why not give up the idea that barbarism is a kind of chemical waste that the factory of the future can not help but produce? Such waste produced them the Enlightenment, and before that of humanism, and before that the idea of \u200b\u200bimperial Rome, and before that ... So I will not let me distract dall'imbarbarimento instinctive, and to study the barbarism ".

short compared to the arguments carried out in the book fairly intuitive and approximate that appears here is a fundamental distinction between those things deserving of the "new roots" by "chemical waste" produced by all the subcultures of all civilizations ever and ever.

So the barbarians finally recognized creative intelligence and disruptive and do not use what we might call "unintended consequences" to criticize that same innovative idea that has generated them. It also attempts to heal the dichotomy between superficial and deep, underlying theme of his reasoning, thinking the very definition:

"[the system of thought of the Barbarians] does not eliminate the effect, but redistributes it on an open field that still call for convenience only superficial, but in reality is a dimension that we have no names, and otherwise has little to do with superficiality understood as the limit as a threshold inattraversata the meaning of things as simplistic facade of the world. In a way I could say that the world of thought which moves Steve Jobs (and my son, 11 years) is that in which we grew the two of us as the firmament of Copernicus is that of Ptolemy (which were incorrect both) , or as Emma Bovary is to Andromache. "

That lack of words identified by Baricco, which in fact calls his article" The World Without name the new barbarians, "is precisely the attitude of those who can not tell why a world belonging to a new imagery, a new culture in which it is grown, to describe a world where words fail, because the limit of our thinking is marked by their language provision, which is never created by the power of one person, but the contribution of everyone.

maybe he will not find the right words, and neither do we, perhaps posterity when the phenomenon will be fully institutionalized and assimilated when they are disseminated and understood the words born with the strength of adhesion.

But whatever these new words, however, we already have someone proposal, HcGeneration.


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