Saturday, September 25, 2010

Walmart Seafood Stuffing

live elsewhere and the possibility of returning

The phenomenon has been ongoing for a while 'for years, maybe a decade. And not because not if they felt the need before, but because opportunities have multiplied later. low cost flights , Erasmus , networks of friends, lack of passports and border intra-European hospitalityclub and couchsurfing, the more interactions that made it easier to realize the dream of leaving, to vent frustration, evasion and free .

It 's a theme perhaps never explicitly addressed in this blog, but always in the background, present as a colored embroidery on a black background with words silver. Italy for a while 'for years is not a country for young people, it is clear, at least not as much as other European countries. Who has traveled and saw the neighbors, it is easy to account of 'inadequate and Italian cultural backwardness Often we struggle for something that is already considered normal elsewhere, we have never felt to be Be the first to do something positive, not to mention the image that others have of us.

For these reasons, it is just playing an initiative, with the related manifesto, designed to assess, or better tell all the stories of Italian expatriates, migrants, not by necessity but by choice. Why the real news is that it is more of a lifestyle choice, intellectual , a civil need, a desire to achieve. As is often the best in many different fields, researchers, artists, scientists, young and ambitious adventurers why Italy does not deserve their wins.

I have often tried to deal with the stories of friends foreign peers , Others, that are nothing but our reflection: that of a wandering generation cosmopolitan and a bit 'choice and a bit' out of necessity. Stories, our own and others', which complement and help tell the time of this process of globalization of which we are the children. The departures have increased a bit 'to everybody,' exchange between countries, especially in Europe, means that the French and Italians go to Spain, Spaniards, Italians, Poles and Romanians in France, Italians, Spaniards, Lithuanians, Poles in Britain , French, Italians and Poles in Germany, the Germans remain at home and English as well. In Italy no. That is our country that suffers a negative export of young people, ensuring that few are in Italy with the idea of \u200b\u200breturning after the 'Erasmus if not for a long vacation after graduation.

So, speaking of departures and returns should talk about their Italian exodus.

That's what I try to live elsewhere , definitely a book interesting, dealing with issues such as housing, the roots, the sense of detachment and solitude, borders and liquid modernity. Topics insights that float in the atmosphere contemporary, but to grab what should listen to the stories collected in a generation with light feet and the desire to fly in the veins:

"Some part to forget, those who leave in order to choose, who partly through fear and those who leave for bet. There is an Italian teacher who earn a living as a singer in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba lawyer who lives in The Hague and wants to be a deejay in Paris, the official Roman that adapts to a waiter in London The biologist Latin ending to make the editor in Berlin ... I
Italy outside Italy. The young people in increasing numbers, who have chosen to live away from home in search a new job, or a different life. This book tells their stories, which are full of vitality and tinged with melancholy, unconventional, hold, after worrying . They are the portrait of a virtual country and a future, perhaps not, because the country that these guys have decided to drop still does not listen to them.

live elsewhere tells the stories of young people between 25 and 40 years who decided to leave our country, not just brain drain, be sure to find better opportunities abroad, but also boys' normal "Italy who feel this too closed, still, lifeless, motionless, facing only in itself. Citizens who grew up feeling in the world that condones evil country participated in a thousand guerrillas internal - political, geographical, social, and above all generational - and looking for opportunities abroad who were never found in Italy.

The book contains many stories, each with its particularity and specificity, but is also a portrait of a generation . All data confirm that the migration of young people abroad is steadily increasing: according to the university consortium Alamlaurea in the last ten years the number of graduates has moved across the border to find work has tripled, averaging more than 3.5% of our graduates moved abroad annually. It is difficult to do statistics on a continuously evolving phenomenon of the kind addressed in this book, but it is estimated for example that young Italians (aged 25 to 35 years) currently living in Berlin are about 6,000 residents and those in Barcelona less than five years are about 10,000. We could call

"Generation Europe" , tens of thousands of young people who move, preferring major cities and capitals, the "Eurocities ", where they land and then often allocated, at a time of beautiful country, but into new countries and new experiences.
A generation liquid.


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