Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hitachi Edpj32 Bulb For Sale

second homes

pleasure to sit and hear the waters of the Bosporus is not something about ncellabile . Currents flow apparently docile and quiet, as the lives of friends and acquaintances, creating eddies at particular points deep and sensitive. The course of the water goes down a narrow fact of phases, duties and expectations of more stable than expected.

Search the moods experienced finding friends who fortunately have not changed so quickly, but the currents of the Bosphorus as a change in depth remained stable and calm on the surface.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe city remains on the immensity of waters between the two continents, with the hills and forests preserved buildings from the military parks, young and old, children and lovers are like me and yet attracted hypnotized. By night and day. His sunsets as his reflections in the dark.

In this vast urban area one feels at home when you know what to do and where to go, how to get lost, and where drifting. That is when you are moving with dimistichezza without being overwhelmed by the urban streams that flow into its main channel.

Full ease in city spaces is the same as that which preceded the start, as if I'd never left, with the familiarity of the language have not disappeared, with their daily routine as old cent 'years, fraternal relations still not buried .

Back in Istanbul after two years has the flavor of Çay just picked up, he smells that reopened the door in a moment of our being in a world well-known. It means finding people who alongside me, did the same routes with similar expectations and facing the same questions .

All male friends have finished university and completed his military service in a country that for years has been at war within the boundaries of the south-east. Fortunately all returned whole. They started to work, have new loves and new ideas, but with the naturalness of the relationship that they shared something important, you found to speak as if we had left only two days earlier. Ubeyd worked about a year to cover an important financial institution, and left for military Afyon, you are left with Mary, but he hopes to see her again now that he is leaving for Germany to play a two-year master . Mehmet has been working for about two years in Akbank, has also made the military and pursuing new loves in the hope to travel a bit 'more. Recep has almost finished the University, he spent six months in Madrid for Erasmus and hopes to do a masters in Europe and remain at work to avoid military service. Emin it meets again in the night by dancing bar to chase away demons have not yet identified. Max returned to Germany to make the boss in Dresden for Der Spiegel, Tom returned to Poland to work with his uncle, who is a wealthy industrialist, after arriving on trains chasing improbable love known to sell carpets, Ercan became an actor and runs with his new theater company, Alex is still alive in the AFC though winter does not have central heating and those of Badehane still hangs out in the streets of Tunel.

Maybe countrymen would not have happened, maybe if we were closer and reached would mean an implicit disregard stay in touch, but here despite the distance and the objective difficulty coming to my to find in Europe, everything is as before.

same feeling when I recrossed the narrow streets of ' Albaycin , invaded by olfactory memories, Andalusian accent, only to lose in the reflected light of the streets. In quell'incastro white and black, a struggle that blinds the two extremes, dazzling or hiding from view.

A city of Istanbul certainly smaller, but still alive, whose uniqueness is represented from that very center of historical fact alleys and white houses climbing up the hill opposite to ' Alhambra .

A huge pedestrian area which is the city center, with a view of green hills reached on foot in just twenty minutes. A ' integration with the surrounding countryside which it discloses, in my opinion, the beauty of the main cities of Andalusia.

An example of a city poised between tradition and modernity that walks on the crest of a hill that hides within its zone a dangerous speculation travel, opportunity and threat at the same time.

Even here only seem to have greeted last night's Friends reunited after a year, small changes in the face of looks and smiles that have been kept. Everyday actions are covered by a layer of dust that is nothing but the passage of time revealing habits unchanged.

In reality under the surface layer gestures, beyond the image of a city that is equal to itself, the apparent immobility contains underground rivers of change. A feeling that gives proof of the veracity of reports that had been established.

passing Bosphorus contains currents that hypnotize like the embers of a fireplace: is the feeling of escapism that you observe that makes you forget the life that passes by, so the lanes of ' Albaycin are a maze of streets with no time to lose yourself when necessary. The intimacy makes him so loved.

have these feelings now found peace and serenity that make you feel at home again. Homes searched and found that they have become places of the spirit, stages in which we find to buy a sense of the path, mark the notch of a longer route and more ample. In

feel right at home as if I never left you need friends who are never cut an umbilical cord, friendly relations, which are bridges between worlds seemingly distant. The city you hear when you visit it with a short distance away, when to return has driven the fear of not being in those places have become so dear.

Back alleys of ' Albaycin , return contemplation of the Bosphorus, has no meaning to have that moment of suspension and loss of return in the new place, because highly experienced, highly absorbed.

Departures are moments of tension that are downloaded completely only to return later. Returning will discharge the voltage, ensuring the of peace who is not afraid of losing in the bottom of memory beloved places. Like when you leave a person and the main fear is forget the face, the smell, the expressions, the details, the feeling of serenity here is to note that many things have not changed, and new ones are yet interpretable . In

focus too much on departure, an explosion of emotions that puts an end to an important period, forget that we also have a back that teach people to manage more of the mind, to have more houses, to have memories to cling to then be guided through the process of reflection. Return

you recognize the odors found in light Ritov & , your only in small corners that have not changed, small news noticeable only to those who already knew of its importance.
Return to understand if we made the right choices, to keep the threads of human networks, not to take over the nostalgia about news and new departures. The memory

recognize him in the sense of escape and lost you find is given by the flow of infinite Bosphorus at night. The naturalness of conversation in the shade of the mosque Kasim Pasa , the Place of the spirits into a vortex of lights which are cracks in the 'Hammam . The memory in the recognition of continuous rocking shadow of a shutter. The Return of the nightspots in more peaceful smiles.

The return is necessary to move forward. Through a new work and a new initiative launched by finding of what has passed.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Walmart Seafood Stuffing

live elsewhere and the possibility of returning

The phenomenon has been ongoing for a while 'for years, maybe a decade. And not because not if they felt the need before, but because opportunities have multiplied later. low cost flights , Erasmus , networks of friends, lack of passports and border intra-European hospitalityclub and couchsurfing, the more interactions that made it easier to realize the dream of leaving, to vent frustration, evasion and free .

It 's a theme perhaps never explicitly addressed in this blog, but always in the background, present as a colored embroidery on a black background with words silver. Italy for a while 'for years is not a country for young people, it is clear, at least not as much as other European countries. Who has traveled and saw the neighbors, it is easy to account of 'inadequate and Italian cultural backwardness Often we struggle for something that is already considered normal elsewhere, we have never felt to be Be the first to do something positive, not to mention the image that others have of us.

For these reasons, it is just playing an initiative, with the related manifesto, designed to assess, or better tell all the stories of Italian expatriates, migrants, not by necessity but by choice. Why the real news is that it is more of a lifestyle choice, intellectual , a civil need, a desire to achieve. As is often the best in many different fields, researchers, artists, scientists, young and ambitious adventurers why Italy does not deserve their wins.

I have often tried to deal with the stories of friends foreign peers , Others, that are nothing but our reflection: that of a wandering generation cosmopolitan and a bit 'choice and a bit' out of necessity. Stories, our own and others', which complement and help tell the time of this process of globalization of which we are the children. The departures have increased a bit 'to everybody,' exchange between countries, especially in Europe, means that the French and Italians go to Spain, Spaniards, Italians, Poles and Romanians in France, Italians, Spaniards, Lithuanians, Poles in Britain , French, Italians and Poles in Germany, the Germans remain at home and English as well. In Italy no. That is our country that suffers a negative export of young people, ensuring that few are in Italy with the idea of \u200b\u200breturning after the 'Erasmus if not for a long vacation after graduation.

So, speaking of departures and returns should talk about their Italian exodus.

That's what I try to live elsewhere , definitely a book interesting, dealing with issues such as housing, the roots, the sense of detachment and solitude, borders and liquid modernity. Topics insights that float in the atmosphere contemporary, but to grab what should listen to the stories collected in a generation with light feet and the desire to fly in the veins:

"Some part to forget, those who leave in order to choose, who partly through fear and those who leave for bet. There is an Italian teacher who earn a living as a singer in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba lawyer who lives in The Hague and wants to be a deejay in Paris, the official Roman that adapts to a waiter in London The biologist Latin ending to make the editor in Berlin ... I
Italy outside Italy. The young people in increasing numbers, who have chosen to live away from home in search a new job, or a different life. This book tells their stories, which are full of vitality and tinged with melancholy, unconventional, hold, after worrying . They are the portrait of a virtual country and a future, perhaps not, because the country that these guys have decided to drop still does not listen to them.

live elsewhere tells the stories of young people between 25 and 40 years who decided to leave our country, not just brain drain, be sure to find better opportunities abroad, but also boys' normal "Italy who feel this too closed, still, lifeless, motionless, facing only in itself. Citizens who grew up feeling in the world that condones evil country participated in a thousand guerrillas internal - political, geographical, social, and above all generational - and looking for opportunities abroad who were never found in Italy.

The book contains many stories, each with its particularity and specificity, but is also a portrait of a generation . All data confirm that the migration of young people abroad is steadily increasing: according to the university consortium Alamlaurea in the last ten years the number of graduates has moved across the border to find work has tripled, averaging more than 3.5% of our graduates moved abroad annually. It is difficult to do statistics on a continuously evolving phenomenon of the kind addressed in this book, but it is estimated for example that young Italians (aged 25 to 35 years) currently living in Berlin are about 6,000 residents and those in Barcelona less than five years are about 10,000. We could call

"Generation Europe" , tens of thousands of young people who move, preferring major cities and capitals, the "Eurocities ", where they land and then often allocated, at a time of beautiful country, but into new countries and new experiences.
A generation liquid.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gay Men Making Out In Public

July and August my victories all right if you know

Seregno - the mini sprint Ornago, July 15 guovedì small sprinters in the Salus Seregno have snapped up victories. In G2, three squares of prestige with Luca Buttini 4 °, 6 ° Barni, Talia 8 °. To play the position we have in hand, thought Marika Premoli G5 with a good victory over the enemy category. Also in the men's G5 also came the best news of the day. Again Lorenzo Barbato won a sprint speed test in confirming one of the best athletes of Provoncia Milan. In G6 Dario Di Blasi 5 ° at the end.
The following Sunday, August 1, at the prestigious event dedicated to youth cycling with the trophy at Abes Casartelli. Luca Buttini Posting wins for the second and Matt Talia dell'Alzatese from the squadron. Also in G2 otttimo 11th place for a breath from Barnes Award, the 15th showing Angels concludes his 3 rd race the tenacity of those who does not give up easily. In G3 Fumagalli suffers the technical route and arrive in groups. In G5 G6 Mariani gruppo.In Barbato ends in 11 ° and 13 ° remained Di Blasi lingered a little crush on the final round where some of them too cut off from good positions for the sprint. Salus is also honored as the third socetà at the end of a beautiful day for our colors.