Monday, June 21, 2010

Can Elivit Cause Black Stools


Seregno - Lorenzo Barbato confirmed sprinter winning his fourth race of the season. Sunday's rain midweek but very profitable for the young team's yellow and blue. In the test for sprinters held in San Damiano Brugherio for Minisprint Barabe Lorenzo wins the test devoted to the category of G5. In G2 continues to be among the first Luke Buttini that this time is content with third place. Well even teammates Francesco Berni and Federico Talia who won a place in the semifinals. Rise to 11 victories for the young athletes of the Salus Seregno. Sunday small Gialloblu athletes have had to give up due to bad weather the races to be held in Canterbury. Meanwhile, intensified on Sunday will prepare Luca Buttini G2 (6 wins this season) and Lorenzo Barbato G5 (first four places) in the regional championships on Sunday 27 June in Rodengo Saiano in the province of Brescia. For the rest of the team meeting has been set on the path of Arcore.


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