Wednesday, June 30, 2010

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Seregno - comes from the north east of the first win of the season Marika Premoli. Anzano to tenth in the province of Pordenone Gialloblu rider won his first race in the category of G5. A Rodengo Saiano in the province of Brescia for the Regional round of the G2 road Buttini Luke makes a bad start since losing the first off the wheel in fact undermining the race. Fifteenth at the end. Lorenzo Barbato also called to participate in the test region has had some difficulty in getting to the heart of the race finished the race in groups. Arcore in G2 for better placement Federico Toninato third at the end, Matthew Talia fell on the last lap after running with the first ever, Francesco Barni has defended well finishing in eleventh place. Andrea Angels debut for a little 'luck on his first season: it was hit at the start and unfortunately had to retire due to mechanical failure.

Friday, June 25, 2010

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footsteps of home

Back in Mayotte after three years, the effects of waves long history regular movements now. This time it's been three years, perhaps the next will pass less, the distance does not have time objectively measurable returns and departures are proper times, measurable only by the moods and stories of those who made the trip. Three years away from the island, far from home, not the only, but among those who have scored more.

In these years of travel and distant experiences the fate of no return, however, has been signed. You can tell when you return to the places lived with greater intensity, photographs engraved in the memories of those most sweet and full of nostalgia: memories of childhood.

Images from time to time modified by slight changes that may cross a small island in the Indian Ocean. Small improvements that do not affect the overall vision of the landscape, roads, villages. But in such a small island to change more, paradoxically, is the geography of the people who live there and the friendships they make. Just because the parts are constantly and rapidly, in arrivals and departures, in births and friendships.

Young people are not missing due to a continuous supply fed by many French from metropole, the Mainland France, who come to do business, groped for the long shot, for the improvement of life in a tropical paradise, then there are many state employees, to all teachers, also young people who come to the early years of their career or to raise their children in proper contact with nature. Given the high birth rate, thanks to the many who arrive illegally Comorian, the school and the maternity ward may be considered the main industries of the island.

Finally there are those who do not fit into any of these macro-categories, but for years, wandering spirit of youth and then stabilized in the years live in countries French overseas for passion and love of the tropical seas, from the Reunion Martinique, a people indefinitely expert sailors.

And watching the movements of persons to which is subject to a small island, similar to the departures and arrivals that characterize a holiday village, which develops the idea of \u200b\u200banother way of life based on housing cycles: an event can life cycle hypothesis of suggested by Franco Modigliani, but applied to lifestyle choices and the size of the urban center where there is poured.
a lifestyle that does not impose a clear and definitive choice between city and country life urban or harmony with nature, or art of getting work. One could theorize a model that you are moving at the right time to exploit what they can offer a better context in a particular stage of life, a more livable cities, yes, but also greater interconnection with the campaigns and the possibility of interchanging when necessary. A sort of cursus vitae natural

born and grow in nature, move to the city average for adolescents, training, work and become a man in the big city before returning to nature with children, making him the first trace the path again.

Also because what is happening is just that, but one way: young people in small towns anywhere in the world when they grow up they want to start to come true in the city, where the opportunities are created and everything is achievable. In fact, only recently has tipped the balance for the first time more than half the world's population lives in cities, leaving the dying small towns are not connected, who have not re-invented, which had a loss of vital energies. A point of no return, which is causing one thing: the sprawling suburbs.

The villages are dying in the meantime, and even in Italy to prosper are the medium-sized cities: the major cities have reached a stop-hit after the strong growth of this century, indeed show a gradual depopulation of its centers to the outer areas, but better connected, the province or in the suburbs, leaving the so-called decentralization urban centers increasingly empty and at risk gentrification.

in Mayotte the needs of young people are the same as their peers in the rest of the world, from the need to create a wide gap with the older generations, who feel young bilingual French, as well as maoresi, leaving behind older generations of self in which relationships are still strong traditional family ties and religious.

Perhaps for this reason I have not even fired a classic B & W photos depicting an African immersed in the customs and traditional activities such as prescribing any good reporter by the superficial look and folklore in search of powerful images: in Africa trying to change the images are other more suitable to describe the state of things.

The current state is represented by a school, always full of young players who think that more departures returns. Sunsets seen from the windows of his class who are sighing and sinking of young people dispersed throughout the world. The house is a gift received at birth, the few remain today, many people leave, but no one forgets. Nostalgia is the feeling of those who can not return, the discomfort is shared by those who could not leave.

Mayotte fact not claim to be increasingly France, to be increasingly connected to the rest of the world, not be left to itself as the nearby Comoros . For this a few months ago, 95% of maoresi said yes to a referendum to become Overseas Department in 2012, the French state more and more opportunities, but also more obligations.

So back to the place of childhood and adolescence we remember that the central theme of this trip is the house, where to look for and how to find it. The house now more than ever to be selected and constructed, even if everyone chooses the same place.

The concept of home is changing in these years and not only for business and prosperity, but because so many houses are formed of way, friends that you change who you become. The words of farewell with a distant friend increasingly becomes "You know where I'm there, you have a home."

You can not keep them all, let alone live them, but not abandon them. Sometimes we are born, others get there, often you leave. Going home does not mean finding places geographically the same, or at least not only, but find their friendships those that define your identity. Why look for a house today also means to build an identity, the two studies are related and dependent, there is no one without the other.

For this we must carefully ponder or rethink the discourse of cultural preservation and identity, using as a shield which the defense of identity, culture, tradition, logic require highly obscurantist preventing the emancipation and awareness of people.

There are things that should not change yet change, others that it hopes to overcome but to no avail, as the traditional relationships that affect the freedom to make friends among maoresi and French, landfills, open burning steadily waste generated outside the island, the fear of being robbed continually, the culture of eighty pounds to take first child, birth rates of 8.9 children per woman, arranged marriages, the invasion of illegal immigrants, the aftermath of the old colonial policies, the women reluctantly selling to the market, and others that fortunately does not change, the age-old baobab tree inside which you can hide, turtles and dolphins that can cross in the warm waters, coral reefs, on an island without being able to swim.

The changes follow insistent, needless to fade away in the hope that their retreat unchanged, closing unnecessary, but better to go with the tide starting to imagine the docks. After many departures now imagine what will be the return, take the liberty and courage to build them according to their conscience.

Monday, June 21, 2010

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Seregno - Lorenzo Barbato confirmed sprinter winning his fourth race of the season. Sunday's rain midweek but very profitable for the young team's yellow and blue. In the test for sprinters held in San Damiano Brugherio for Minisprint Barabe Lorenzo wins the test devoted to the category of G5. In G2 continues to be among the first Luke Buttini that this time is content with third place. Well even teammates Francesco Berni and Federico Talia who won a place in the semifinals. Rise to 11 victories for the young athletes of the Salus Seregno. Sunday small Gialloblu athletes have had to give up due to bad weather the races to be held in Canterbury. Meanwhile, intensified on Sunday will prepare Luca Buttini G2 (6 wins this season) and Lorenzo Barbato G5 (first four places) in the regional championships on Sunday 27 June in Rodengo Saiano in the province of Brescia. For the rest of the team meeting has been set on the path of Arcore.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

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second generation video comparing

I bring you bounce a very interesting video I've seen on this blog:

I liked it because the people involved can explain in simple and direct more than many "experts" of the field but do not live firsthand the processes of integration.

In particular, in videos produced by Anolf - National Association of Beyond Borders, and that are on youtube, worthy of attention is that the intervention of the national representative of the chamber Members:

addition, to maintain a critical analysis is worthwhile to compare this video produced by a television channel in wide use and consumption:

With this product by the parties concerned, and that has the same young man, but under different lights. In particular it is worth noting the words of the journalist's presentation and the background and the soundtrack significantly different.

I think it worthwhile to listen more carefully than they have to say the people involved rather than journalists interpreters of the story.

Monday, June 14, 2010

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SEREGNO - E 'dubble. Luca Buttini has centered one of the goals of the season. Last Sunday, with second place in the race Brugherio has mathematically won first place in the championship standings Brianteo. Just the victory in the special championship last season, the debut was grazed by a whisker and the whole competitive year dotted with 18 beautiful victory was not enhanced by mesh champion Brianteo. On the second attempt the important local recognition has arrived. The winning ride of the young rider of Salus Seregno was built on three wins in Inzago races, and Corsico Sovico on two second places in Cologno Monzese and Brugherio well as on third place in home race in Seregno trophy dedicated to the Don Orione. A Brugherio Frank Talia in the race also, well placed in the race of G2. Excellent in shape a few weeks that have reached "senior" and has also guaranteed a good performance this week: The sixth place and the placement of Lorenzo Barbato Davide Mariani. The many responsibilities of the weekend started early as Friday in the trial of speed Veduggio with rape. In the race for the mini sprint, Luca Buttini G2 wins in the sixth season and Francesco Barni, his father's footsteps, earning third place in the first place in rookie season.
Even the youngest in the race Saturday in Muggiò always with tests dedicated to speed. The mini-sprint race was valid to assign the mesh of Provincial Champion. In Premoli Marika G5 is a close fifth in the women's trial. Lorenzo Barbato same position in the men's race. G6 Dario Di Blasi fifth at the end. To embellish the day were announced the squad for the regional championships that will take place next June 27 to Rodengo Saiano in the province of Brescia. Called to defend the colors of the Salus Seregno Lorenzo and Luca Barbato in G5 Buttini in G2.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Blueprint For An Octagon Picnic

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Seregno - Victoria is among the athletes of the first year than for the second year. Sunday to remember for the team of Venetian Bovolone that took more than two wins at the second place among the beginners of 1 year and fourth place among those of 2 years. Both tests have resulted in a sprint finish. Rooms for the athletes of the first and second year, attempts to escape. To trigger the brawl the historic arrival in Rome square to Seregno which is traditionally placed at the end of the underpass the city. Right on the descent and the consequent rise in the boys race in both the first and second round, held a heart-pounding sprint double ended only on the line of the photo finish. In the first round of the challenge is all in the house of Bovolone. Glued under the banner of arrival and Henry arrived Realdo Ramaliu Zanoncello both rider training blue-white and green Gs Luc Bovolone. Victory went to a few centimeters to Realdo Ramaliu. The scenario is repeated for the second round. This time the sprint was one Attilio Viviani (Gs Bovolone Luc) and Lucian Buga (Gs Alzate Brianza). Again a matter of inches that saw the Monza dell'Alzatese succumb. Victory deserved for Attilio Viviano. Actually scroll the final standings of the two tests seem to have the prize in front of a race under 23. An international character of the evidence that has surprised the organizers of the Salus Seregno. In the top 10 athletes of the two tests are of no less than 7 foreign origin: three promising young cycling born in Albania (Realdo Ramaliu, winner of the evidence given to the athletes of '97, Mirko Gjoni seventh year of the first ever Cas. Huqi Ron Zani and ninth at the end of the second test, which runs the Project for cycling Rodengo), two boys from Romania (Alexandru Irimia Emmanuel Beginners third among 97 runners in strength to the bat and Lucian Buga brinzolo of Gs Alzate Brianza, who lost the race for a few millimeters parigrado dedicated to the second year), as well as a Ukrainian ( the strong sprinter POL Molinello fourth test at the end of the first year that on several previous occasions he has proven to be an athlete of great potential) and a Russian (Sergey Rostovtsev of Gsc Villongo which ranked just behind the rider of Molinello).

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37.5 km in 1 hour 1 minute at an average of 36.885 km / h recorded 71 - Part 71 - arrived 37

Seregno - 1 Attilio Viviani (Gs Bovolone Luc), 2 Lucian Buga (Gs Alzate Brianza), 3 Andrea Menini (Pedal castellano), 4 Michael Zorzan (Gs Bovolone Luc), 5 Alex Reda (Uc Pessano) 6 Francesco Ceroni (Carpaneto), 7 John Conti (Bastide de Bracco), 8 Alessandro Bertolini (Pedal Morbegnese), 9 Huqi Ron (Project Rodengo Cycling) 10 Andrew Pace (POL Nova)