Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can U Put 15 Wheels On Dodge Ram

Barbato is "triple play" in Nova Milanese

Seregno - sunny Sunday at home Salus. Rises to eight victories scored by the Juniors training Gialloblu Seregnesi. A Nova Milanese has signed Lorenzo Barbato in the G5. In the race Brianza scored his third win of the season, recording the best trophy of his short career but is on two wheels. The third win of the season came in the sprint yet again showing off his skills on the sprinter. Sunday good for the whole "band" of the G5: James Citterio, eldest son of art by Giuseppe Citterio, defends himself like a lion taking off from the first only in the final. Even the "big" end of the G6 unfortunate Davide Mariani. Excellent his race: he runs well, but then goes on the run not only succeeds in placing sixth. Among Francesco Barni pretty well the G2 and Matthew Talia, hammer all made Francesco Toninato 6 ° below the banner is not square by a whisker. Sunday to forget for Luca Buttini, G2, unfortunately, fell on the last lap bringing several bruises.


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