Sunday, May 30, 2010

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Seregno - Rain of placements for the athletes of the Salus Seregno that were involved in Sunday's trophy home Don Orione. Despite the heat and the many absences due to Confirmations and Communions, this year there was the traditional meeting dedicated to youth cycling, organized in the important calendar of events on the last Sunday of May, the city dedicates Seregnesi Institute Don Orion. A good performance in the test given to all categories of very young athletes Gialloblu. Fourth place for Luca Buttini in G2 also good teammates and Matthew Frederick Toninato Talia who won the ninth and tenth position. Amongst the first and also Luca Fumagalli Luca Mariani from G3. Try leading for the nephew of art Simone Cazzaniga between G4. Technical problems in the running (it seems that for an accidental contact has dropped a foot pedal) but they did lose those precious seconds to Lorenzo Barbato between the G5 came in the first group without being able to play good but the final sprint for the win. Luca Spano of POL Molinello fled to escape between the G6. Can not take it back to the group of pursuers for the excellent teamwork of the companions of that Molinello have slowed down the group and blocked attempts of reunification. The Fugitive back in 14 gave more than 30 "to direct followers. In the first position, after the excellent first place on Sunday, has raced in the sprint Dario Di Blasi, fifth at the end.

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Seregno - Results

1 Carmelo Romeo (Cassina De Bracchi)
2 Alessandro Bezzan (Young Giussanesi)
3 Gjika Matthew (Sco Cavenago)
4 Pioselli Lorenzo (Costamasnaga) 5
David Romeo (Pol Molinello)

1 Andrea Piras (Sco Cavanagh)
James Villa 2 (Cassina De Bracchi)
3 Lorenzo Gobbo (Pol Molinello) 4 Luca
Buttini (Salus Seregno)
5 David Cantarini (Uc Pessano)

1 John Raveglia (Uc Costamasnaga)
2 Alessandro Mafezzoni (Pol Molinello)
3 John Romeo (Pol Molinello) 4 Simon
Pampagnin (Bettolino Cold) 5
Simone Lo Bartolo (Uc Costamasnaga)

1 Samuel Nova (Pedal Arcorese)
2 Davide Gobbo (Pol Molinello)
3 Gianluca Cerri (Young Giussanesi)
4 Dario Galimberti (Team Chiappucci)
5 Luca Varenna (Young Giussanesi)

1 Andrea Cicinato (Brugherio Sports)
2 Luca Taormina (Pol Molinello)
3 Andrea Barbieri (Uc Costamasnaga)
Davide Ferrari 4 (Furniture Liss)
5 Michael Joey (Brugherio Sports)

1 Luca Spano (Pol Molinello)
2 Stefano Frigerio (Vc Inzago)
3 Thomas Bramley (Vc Inzago)
4 Andrea Molinari (Uc Pessano)
5 Dario Di Blasi (Salus Seregno)

Society Trophy: 1
POL Molinello

Monday, May 24, 2010

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Figino Seregnza - faster than light. The powerful flight of the "seniors" of the G6 Dario Di Blasi has graced a Sunday sports trophy in organized Figino Serenza. Thanks to the sprint winner Dario Di Blasi arrived Sunday the eighth win of the season for the young of the Salus Seregno. The positive news of this season lies in the excellent results of the very young team: not a single category or an athlete has dominated but the contribution of all choir takes top honors but also the mood of the team of puppies. The 2010 season has in fact crowned addition to the 5 hits Luca Buttini in G2, the first three places in Lawrence Harness G5 and the stunning victory last Sunday by Dario Di Blasi in G6. In the competition Afternoon organized in the province of Como, also came numerous placings. He missed out on victory in G2 Buttini Luke, still recovering from the fall of last Sunday in Nova Milanese. Great results for all athletes who took part in the G2 to the competition and managed to do well: Francesco Barni Federico Toninato in the first and tenth. Excellent proof of the two bearers of the Gialloblu G5. Second highest ranking female Marika Premoli Lorenzo Barbato and fourth in the general. Both athletes have entered a race Salus notable mainly for its excellent strategy pursued in the eight sessions that have marked the path. The Sunday of glory, however, was that sales by Dario Di Blasi. Perfect strategy and a true masterpiece that has put the final sprint in a row all opponents. Amongst the first and ready to close all the shots he built his first hit of the season thanks to a great sprint. Di Blasi has brought in top positions at the exit of the last corner before the final straight, burning all under the banner of arrival.
also to underline the great race team-mate Davide Mariani, one of the first under the banner of arrival. A Brugherio get back to see the Beginners: Lorenzo Ferri for better placement.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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Barbato is "triple play" in Nova Milanese

Seregno - sunny Sunday at home Salus. Rises to eight victories scored by the Juniors training Gialloblu Seregnesi. A Nova Milanese has signed Lorenzo Barbato in the G5. In the race Brianza scored his third win of the season, recording the best trophy of his short career but is on two wheels. The third win of the season came in the sprint yet again showing off his skills on the sprinter. Sunday good for the whole "band" of the G5: James Citterio, eldest son of art by Giuseppe Citterio, defends himself like a lion taking off from the first only in the final. Even the "big" end of the G6 unfortunate Davide Mariani. Excellent his race: he runs well, but then goes on the run not only succeeds in placing sixth. Among Francesco Barni pretty well the G2 and Matthew Talia, hammer all made Francesco Toninato 6 ° below the banner is not square by a whisker. Sunday to forget for Luca Buttini, G2, unfortunately, fell on the last lap bringing several bruises.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

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Buttini strikes five, Di Blasi close to victory in Lissone

Liss - Liss shine even in the young rider of Salus Seregno Sunday, May 9 that took part in the trophy Perego. Fifth win of the season for Luke Buttini in G2. This time the fifth victory of the season came in the sprint, the young cyclist Salus has used force burning under the banner of arrival of the season the two rivals Hunchback of POL in Molinello and Piras Cavenago of strength training. Well the other class mates who have done excellent placement record: Matthew Talia 7th, followed closely by Frederick Toninato 10th, before Francesco Barni 12 ° at the end. In one of the first G3 entered the charts Luca Fumagalli terminating the effort Sunday in 12th position. Even Simone Cazzaniga, three G4 do you do with a great group of top winning 11th place. For class "queen" touched by a narrow margin of victory Dario Di Blasi 2 to term after a hard-fought trial. Good race for his team-mate Davide Mariani who won the eighth place. Sunday to forget for the pink team Seregnesi section. After Anastasia at the onset of fall Tilotta Sovico in Liss has 'tasted' the asphalt also Marika Premoli. In the race of the G5, the promising young Gialloblu unfortunately had to resort to medical treatment that required a check to the emergency room. No big deal for the athlete who suffered only minor bruises. Positive start to the season thanks largely to the young. In fact rise to seven victories he scored in 2010, just over a month of activity: the first five places for the young rider of G2 Luca Buttini both tests Lorenzo Barbato victorious in G5. Too many placements of young talent that Gialloblu start of the season have enabled us to sign some important markers Seregnesi team.
Continue the search for the best form for the major categories. The Beginners Zappa Riccardo Ferri and Lorenzo in the race to Brugherio have finished the race in the top group, but unable to enter the honors of the competition. Sunday in the race and also the Student Christian Brambilla Marco Cazzaniga in the trial held in Lumaniga.

Monday, May 3, 2010

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Seregno - has shown that when the day is one of the best in its class: the G5. We are talking about Lorenzo Barbato, bearer of the Salus Seregno on Sunday in the test given to young to Carugate won his test with a test of strength that reminded Fabian Cancellara. Winning strategy that the young rider Gialloblu agreed prior to departure with the coach Gabriele Buttini. "Barbato, to be shown that: the agreed strategy was to start at 3 laps to go and managed to keep up with the Brugherio Cinato, Joey and Dornes that behind him, surprised by his action tried to chase him," explained Juniors coach. On top of the action of other times in the sprint win came without leaving the crumbs to the opponents. In G2 Luca Buttini after four consecutive victories was settled for 2nd place. If Barbato orders led the team to victory at the young Buttini were used to gain experience. The attack of the G2 Gialloblu started at 2 laps to go: The objective of the day was to try to arrive alone. Strategy that did not go to port and resumed near arrival has been overcome and beaten by the Cavenago Montuori. Always for the "small" company Seregnesi continues the approach to best: Federico Toninato 9th to end Barnsley Franesco and 5 ° below the banner of arrival. In G4 Simone Cazzaniga, after the fall of Sovico again be seen in the Top: 11 ° to an end. For the G5 debut ever for Isaac Mariani in his first race of the young showed good technical quality. Transfer Ligurian Marika Premoli the G5, which Sunday took part in a race in the province of Imperia: third place. Among the "seniors" of the G6 Lorenzo Di Blasi is among the best five in the race Carugate. Try to remember for a test against the most talented group of Brianza. Saturday Cologno Monzese second round of the Provincial valid for a fourth Brianteo gymkhana: Luca Buttini race that has already mathematically put his hands on top of the Championship Brianteo reserved for the category with two tests in advance, and is firmly in the lead in the Championship Provincial. The next dates for the rainbow jersey is already scheduled on 2 June Cesano Maderno. Next Sunday all in the race to Liss.