Saturday, March 27, 2010

Kojic Acid, Side Effects

The Students the way to Pugin. At Easter it is up to Easter debut for Beginners and Teenagers

Seregno - They are ready to defend the yellow and blue colors of the Students Salus, Christian Brambilla (1st Year) and Marco Cazzaniga (2nd Year) on Sunday for the official debut season on the road. The official is scheduled for Sunday, March 28 to Pugin. The following Sunday, April 4, instead debuted the Beginners Richard Albonico, Lorenzo Ferri, Riccardo Zappa Mattia Santambrogio and all their first experience in the category. For their first effort of the season is scheduled to Alzate Brianza. The next day, Easter Monday, also will be the turn of the Juniors. From G2 to G6 are 17 young athletes this year who will repeat the Gialloblu over twenty victories and 102 markers scored in last season. At the start of the first test will be: in G2 Buttini Luke, Matthew Talia, Francesca Tonini, Francesco Barni and Anastasia Tilotta. In G3 Luca Fumagalli, Luca Mariani, Luca Davoli. In G4 Simone Cazzaniga, Michael Chunga and Benedetta Ferri. In G5 Lorenzo Barbato, James Citterio, Alessandro Villa and Marika Premoli and class Queen of the G6 and Davide Mariani Dario Di Blasi. With the official presentation of the calendars were also formalized the three races this year will be organized by the company Seregnesi. To open the dance, May 30, the youngest with the classic test given to six groups involved in the walking tour organized for the celebration of Don Orione. Just days after then will be the turn of Beginners, June 13, the Trophy Meroni. Commitments to close the season with the trophy Students Massimo Elli on 19 September.


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