Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How Long Does Stage 3 Liver Disease

Yesterday, my September 8

Yesterday , my September 8

Andrea de Liberato

Posted September 9, 2009 by Radicalweb

Yesterday was the September 8 , given that many consider crucial and fateful in the history of our country. Honestly, I did not remember until late evening, when the applicant has been recalled by the brave Comrade Peter Bonano radical during the usual meeting on Tuesday.

It seemed only natural to ask why, despite of my hectic work day, I had not even paused in thought for a moment on that day, which surely marked the dramatic death throes of Fascism and the rebirth of democracy ' Italy.

I have concluded, perhaps a little 'apodictic and too personal, that the September 8 has not meant much for Italy. In our unfortunate country, in fact, are very much alive and present many of the structures, deposits and corrupt, fascist regime. And this, of course, not the advent of the Knight, but already in sensational form since the fifties that time, Pannunzio dixit, saw the advent of the "undivided republic of pears," or that regime Partitocratico (with birth, as recently wrote Pannella, many "small PNF) that grips our society, making a cast.

few years ago, Bersani tried ashamed of liberalization (not reaching even touch odious corporations such as insurance, banks, solicitors, reporters are limited to pharmacies, taxis and very little else) the results are almost equal to zero, largely due to the resistance, including political, those same corporations. For this reason, today Italy is a country increasingly dusty and still, with a Justice (administered by the corporation of judges and the bar) is now rotting, as demonstrated by recent investigations on the state of prisons radical and overt impossibility, for a judicial system in tatters, to manage the millions of jobs now pending.

Doctors, lawyers, notaries, pharmacists, architects, accountants, journalists, and their orders of fascist memory, the social security system and centralized bureaucratic state, clientelism, corruption and nepotism in politics, the social dominance of a State Ethics (after the law on medically assisted procreation, adoption is a disgraceful sham living will), crime and violence with the State political assassinations of Fascist , those of sixty years and the perpetual aggression of the citizen-subjects (think of those who died in prison where he was detained for autocltivazione marijuana or insulting a public official), action dirigiste economy are all beautifully perpetuatesi legacy of Fascism in sixty ' years of party politics.

a rotten regime must and will necessarily be subverted by a liberal revolution that now looks like a phoenix visible only to some mad visionary. But patience. They said the same, in the sixties, the birth of the LID, the Italian League of divorce, little more than a decade later, was the cornerstone of a resounding and deafening victory liberal and secular.

Finally, I want to thank my friend Caramel Impusino that, flying over my laziness and slowness in carrying out the common project of creating an association of Internet bloggers and liberal area of \u200b\u200bradical (and not speaking intentionally "galaxy" because we also turn to "non pannelliani") did something very radical: he's cheated, he rolled up his sleeves and created this space, making a wonderful surprise. I'm sure with Domenico Umberto Cosmo, Louis and all other radical friends of Politics on the Net we will make it something unique.

For my part, since I do not have a personal blog post here most of my young readers, hoping that they can provide some food for thought to all of you who are often much brighter than me.


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