Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cervical Mucus After Hysterectomy

host eighth episode guest marta on tubes

for the eighth episode of Music Notes, 4 talk about music in Radio Kairos guests with a group that after Sicily and Bologna, for the past 5 years has landed in Milan. are known in the summer of 2002, exchanging demos of their projects sound like each other and decide to make music together and in a few months they put together a repertoire about thirty new songs and some covers, guests of this week Marta sui Tubi . to tell us their latest album " Sushi & Coca " and their reflection on the world of music and their style is the voice of the band, John Gulino . Always plucked acoustic guitars, caressed or beaten, always the voice clear and safe. The debut of this surreal and experimental band is made of hermetic poetry and melodies wrap and placed on sophisticated guitar licks and rhythms of jazz drums extraction. The irony of the texts is combined with the surreal, but also touching the heights of romance that never fails. A culmination of a dazzling debut in 2004, MEI Marta are awarded as Best Italian independent. With the criticism that welcomes with enthusiasm the disc and the public in exponential growth, lots of concerts, several sold-out and the certainty that Marta sui Tubi are one of the best live bands around. unforgettable performance below zero in the Val Senales in an igloo at 3200 meters playing instruments carved out of ice. In early 2008, Marta sui Tubi start their own label " used drums and in October they released their latest CD" Sushi & Coca "in which the use of headings, the texts now be directed and fierce, hours poetic and visionary and totally original way to use the acoustic guitar remains the trademark of Marta Sui Tubi, who are considered long been one of the most interesting art in Italy. There are feelings, situations and even sounds, in which to relax, unwind, their famous phrase ... I have no feelings, but feelings ... During the episode you can hear 3 tracks taken from the album, the first kinesthetic, which won the 2008 best video of the PVI, followed by Thoughts rattle , those wishes come true when you're sick and finally Wednesday, the song that speaks of concerts and travel can be found in the compilation of Afterhours "The country is real." If I have intrigued, if you like original music and surreal Marta the pipes or if you just want to know more check out this link to listen to the whole show


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