Thursday, December 11, 2008

Olive Oil For Eyelids

MONFALCONE always at the top

MONFALCONE-Buso, G. Cappellari-Sarcinelli -Radovac-(25 st Monnels)-Course-Cappellari F-Cappai (pt 33'Bardini)-Buzzinelli-Palermo-Giraldi-Kovic (st, 1 Lardieri) -. .......... Coach Zanutta-SARON-Peruch-Sandri-Maodus-Sfreddo-Brescacin- Pesot-Buriol (st 10 '> Grolla M)-Fiori (st 35' Caracciolo)-Coan (st 19 'Vendruscolo)-Saccheri-Reartes-Herds .-- De Pieri Monfalcone continues to enjoy alone the top spot in a Manzanese.Avvio length from the high paced game in which the two teams immediately seek the way of the Goals. E 'for the first Monfalcone G. Cappellari goes down on the right side of the field, and with a cros-the-art, on the head tip Kovic, ready to hit the head, but unfortunately does not help the tip Monfalcone, 'cause the header is not preciso.Al 33 'came almost to the surprise network license plate Sarone: Coan test shot on goal, Buso smanaccia in to save area, Saccheri can retrieve the ball and tries to turn the bag with a precise shot and mid-height, which beats the number one Bisiach and signed the advantage Pordenone . Monfalcone Kovic with a chance to equalize from a few steps, but the shot is not precise and you go in the locker room. Monfalcone a completely changed, and decided to bring the game on the platform of the first in the standings, Giraldi begins with shots from all positions, the Sarone now no longer passes the goal 'field, but the result does not change, then Zanutta, enters the 25, ST, Monnels, with a terrific shot, on which the last defender so arriva.E You do not finish the race with a draw that goes down to the team Monfalcone.


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