Saturday, July 31, 2010

Keloid Removal In Dallas, Tx

A look at House and Identity: East

For the first time without a visit to the south east. Finally, in a country that was on the other side of the wall and maybe it still feels a bit 'confused.

Bulgaria is a country that only recently regained its independence after centuries of foreign domination. Similarly to Poland, more contested between Germany and Russia, Bulgaria is one of those countries considered more often as a land of conquest self-expression that of civil and political rights. The beginning of the Bulgarian history can be traced back to the Thracians who lived in these lands until the first Roman occupation, continued with the arrival of the first "real" Bulgarian people in the modern sense in the seventh century who built a pair of "empires" Bulgarian alternating and then succumbed to Byzantine influences, just before that, five centuries of Ottoman-turkish, until 1878. The brief continued after the independence war in the Soviet influence, which has segregated the small nation behind the Iron Curtain for over forty years. Political freedom was found in the last twenty years, but as a leopard the Italian ruling class seems to have changed his clothes only .

Despite what the Bulgarians have cultivated their own identity and a well-defined national character, a mix of Slavic culture, Turkish influences, greek-orthodox and indigenous expressions. Simple characters used in a country after decades of communism to a life made of light but a few basic choices. The impression I got is that of a country that is still rural and gentle at heart, simple in manners, courtesy and smiles in return, in contrast to the nods of the head and body language, still not used to choices made complicated against excessive consumerism, but too forced like when you bought your pants during the communist regime.

When the lack of choices more like a compulsion leads to rejection.

During communism there were two kinds of pants for both sexes, so the choice was not difficult: one of two things. However, the first difficulty was to be able to buy pants without finding the shuttered: As the shops because of the state stores where the staff was made up of civil servants, since he was not allowed to individual economic initiative, these were subject to hours office like everyone else, and as you know under communism and all their hours worked coincided with that of the merchants here that in fact it was almost impossible to buy a pair of pants during the hours allowed. The only solution, therefore, remained out of work with an excuse, make the necessary committees and wondering if you hurry back to work to live or living to work.

no coincidence that one of the most common jokes at the time was "We pretend to work, but they pretend to pay us."

But the second difficulty, the real one was forcing himself to wear trousers and dresses that everyone had an entire nation blue or brown, or force them to wear a uniform.

so try to create an originality that was to be prohibited from: stand was a need addressed by sewing and embroidering their clothes so fueling the desire to escape from the choices of the regime. After the fall of Communism, then as now, the desire to escape seems to materialize in the real status of the West, from the machine, the TV, the house or chasing the desire for perfection reported by several giant posters of cosmetic surgery that promise perfect breasts and remember that " beauty is symmetric, finally killing the little rebellion forced survived approval.

The memory of this forced simplicity is still alive in a country that has experienced the hard transition to capitalism which, by closing all businesses now too outdated to keep pace with the times, has created great unemployment and a mass exodus of the population.

As in all former communist countries the arrival of capitalism was a disillusioned waiting development which has peaked with the entrance into the European Union and the building boom of recent years. The policy was corrupt and incompetent, the opening of borders led to a large mass exodus and the generations in between two eras, too old to start over or forget the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress in living cynical expectation.

Not so young, and as always hope and believe in the opportunity represented by the just compensation for their work, the improvement due, idealizing the idea of \u200b\u200bsuccess and of the capital represented by a perfectly competitive of an atomistic market and merit.

You can not say that this dream has been completely betrayed, not yet, for many, life has changed radically, but the attack on the mediocrity crushed up or down the broad masses of workers and the streets which life develops vertically enthusiasm has long since left room for a cynical old melancholy reflected in t ram disconnected from any distance .

enter into the thoughts of the Bulgarians do not seem easy, the look reserved and indifferent is actually a form that dissolves the first question, the hospitality encountered strong tensions between leave imagine what you have in, and that that appears outside.

One clue it's entering the houses cooled only by a little bright colors of the buildings, when the melancholy falls like a mist between the roofs are only illuminated the windows of upper floors, those who want to maintain a view on the rooms of the city visible in the light of old yellow light bulbs. Balconies lit at dusk of the evening that can tell more than many history books.

An old love to talk to your cat, like whispering secrets to an old friend from the end of the day, someone on the stove preparing the cluttered kitchen briefly to eat dinner while watching TV, and mustachioed man in the usual pants now paints the bedroom by calculating the proper number of coats of paint. Scenes of everyday life offers the passerby to turn enriched by children almost in the dark trying to fly a kite unlikely proving that you can break the cement with the greyness of life that flows inside.

The smell of dinner, the door opens, the little Bobby who runs screaming " Tati Tati! " remind me that even for a short I'm part of the landscape. Iskrena he returned from work, hard day you read him in the face, but the smile that rips the little fitted diaper seems to make sense of the day.

guests and a young family, Iskrena, a computer engineer, his wife Julia, a lawyer, and little Bobby who has already learned how to smile in front of a camera.

are part of those young Bulgarians with a sigh of relief to talk about what it was, with the sweetness of what we now have and with a smile that smacks of modesty imagine the future.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bmw 328i Front License Plate

A house is like having a coordinated primary, a red dot on the map, a flag to hold on. Look for a home is the first step in ' statement and the construction of identity, today as yesterday. Means to choose where to continue their lives and possibly like.

accounts for half of any journey, the success of any return. And 'the thrust of those who still did not stop. As I said Yoshi, then a Chinese peasant who was traveling approximately thirty three years by means of land after crossing 24 countries and three continents, "having crossed all these lives, now I want to start mine. "

That is starting to build something to leave to posterity, that they are words, pictures, memories, children, and artifacts. The sense of the great things you can bundle in these apparently simple goals that are born and flourish from a house.

Today it houses many through fortunately, near and far, solitary and crowded, family and strangers, helping you understand what mark you do not want to become and what will be missed. Each house, as a person is linked to a history of multiple, with the events of the soul. The houses of the friends lived in the same way, we can not forget and are our reference constellation, made up of habits, smells and noises during the morning. So when you return "home" really means the group of houses that we regularly recur, suggesting that the return "home" matches a portion of the larger territory of the four walls.

In Italy surely this identification between "home" and groups of houses is very stable, almost a certainty, the Italians have a record represented by the number of homeowners. In fact, according to ISTAT figures about seven out of ten families are owners of the house in which they live. Only two out of ten families pay the rent, and about ten per cent live in a beneficial interest or royalty-free, in the second house in case of in-laws.

A nation of property owners so the facts can be seen by the care with which they maintained the interiors of homes of the main object always investment, first level of expenditure for families and among the most important assets that parents seek to leave or give to children. Instead, when the house is not owned by the furniture is old, the works of m aintenance are postponed, there indifference to a dirty wall.

Such a situation should also feed another attitude: 's attachment to the territory. The possession of the house should lead to a natural impulse towards the surrounding environment, such a defense of the territory in which we live and where their children will live, but too often the contradiction was looking back on home happy with their living and regardless of landscape to the window that was ruined, just by other people's houses.

In Istanbul, Orhan Pamuk covering all the houses of his life re-weave the fabric of the stories he has crossed and which are intertwined with that of the city. Descriptions of houses full of memories they play a major role images from windows, balconies and windowsills, a journey marked by indelible images and primal as the counting ships on the Bosphorus, the gaze cast down on the streets, windows that open onto the intimate landscapes recalling that the perspective from his window at home is a perspective on the world.

In April number of the magazine 's European , dedicated to Italian homes, the opening article of Aldo Colonetti says

"When we overcome the threshold of our door as if there is a clear boundary, two different worlds, between outside and inside, between the place of our loved ones and with more public spaces, roads, services, in short, in general, the territory of the other .

So often you go the wax on the floor of the house remaining indifferent to the curb in front of holes and full of dog shit. He lost the healthy habit of sweeping the streets, which turned- in relief roads, are all and none. He lost the concept that the dead represents.

"When a tradition is not able to transformed into a system of rules recognized, land, community life, respect for history as we take inspiration from which humus can not place themselves at the center of strategic choices and the collective life. [...] We are accustomed to, as would the scholar Aldo Bonomi , to look more to history than to specific spaces, most of our homes that the squares where daily transit distracted, waiting to return home .

In other words, the European supports the thesis of a split between public ethics and private: the private space has greater value and must be protected even at the cost of sacrificing the public. Two values \u200b\u200bthat are in contrast, but that should not necessarily be. Nobody asked to give up their private space (and the consequent freedom) in favor of the public, nor can destroy the public in the name of a subdivision private interests. To heal this breach of the rules are sufficient.

If you need to start building something, therefore it is natural to start from "home", new or old it is, and its meaning.

E 'natural pleasure from start to come back to stay, to enjoy their own thoughts, listen to those who have something to share. And 'the pleasure to feel safe in walls where it is not necessary to be indiscrete. It 's the place from which to start each time you need to start , the base camp of reference for those who thought to do without.

The home is a peaceful place that allows the development of thought after the travel experience.
E 'box on the territory that constitutes our identity, without the first you can not get to the second, is the place where it will reinforce the relationships that are map of our relations and therefore of ourselves.

Because, ultimately, the other purpose of this blog is to understand where we are going, then what will be our home, how can we choose how we want and where. That is all the questions that recur to every generation that passes from youth to maturity, the same questions that arise in this generation also open and globalized that will formulate new answers to old questions. Trying to see through the window something to be proud of.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Louisiana Public Saunas


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wick Chaps For Hunting


Seregno - rises to 15 wins of the season for the youngest of the Salus Seregno. Double success for Luke Buttini Sunday in G2 and G5 in Premoli Marika. A Senago Luca Buttini dominates the category part of G2 in solitary and do five laps on the run with the group that tries to get behind him. Victory sign and put through a call for framing, posting will be at the end of several hundred meters. Also in G2 Federicco Talia is 7 ° and 13 ° Francesco Barni. In G3 Luca Fumagalli ends in a group. In G5 Lorenzo Barbato also tentatively ends the race in groups. In G6 Dario Di Blasi runs well finishing 4th after a race dominated by the Spano Molinello coming in alone with a detachment abysmal. Marika in
Premoli G5 Vaprio Agogna wins the women's rankings coming ninth overall at the finish.