Sunday, February 27, 2011

What's In The Tmz Guys Cup

I am starting January 25

Revolution Youth in Egypt is the revolution of all, if they win, we win them all.

We are all revolutionaries, we are all Egyptians.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Kinesiology Tape Bunion

A sunset half

The departures are a laceration of his surroundings, a sudden disconnection, with the relationships around you, with the construction of your actions in the near future. A flash in the sky that promises, however, change.

As the departure of Florent. Although announced his last minute before the end, however, has made a sudden. There is a better technique to deal with management departures and farewells, but its immediacy, as if fleeing for fear of losing the plane, had messed up all the defenses of the soul especially if you already prone to melancholy.

The end of our adventure we decided to seal a last trip together, we were a small group of different nationalities around the eastern borders of Turkey. The classic erasmus group.

The hike to the top of Nemrut Dagi , in the deep hinterland of the Kurdish region, up to two thousand two hundred meters to observe the Mesopotamia, the fertile crescent, the principle of civilization, would have occupied our last day together. Will complete a common experience in Turkey with Kurdistan, Kurdish, and in fact was the driver that there scarrozza between curves and overhangs, Kurdish was the music that had accompanied us throughout the day, and Kurdish was the 'friend who was waiting for us' s next to Dyarbakir.

The evening would continue together, we continued to Dyarbakir and from there, only there would be separate and greeted us by placing a point to our adventure in Turkey. Florent would return to Istanbul from where he took the 'plane back to France, but I would have continued eastward Emotions were still under control though so melancholy, powered by the landscape, it was difficult to mask. The long decline of our penultimate evening accompanied us down to the valley in the city of Adiyaman to reach the Otogar Dyarbakir and the first bus, which was also the ' Ataturk Baraja.

And so with eyes lost between the Anatolian horizons in search of escape There was no news arrived that there were no direct buses to Dyarbakir, at least not for the evening, and that the only possible solution was to run immediately to the airport for Florent and through the intercession of the guide to catch the last plane to Istanbul. An abrupt change, although the departure of Florent anticipate only a few hours, turned out to be so sudden as to evoke almost immediately crying hysterically in front of two children at the end of the game, when they parted.

When you decide the time of departure is impossible to control because the emotions are not bound by the knowledge of their choices, but you are hit by confusion and uncertainty thrown into an emotional state simply uncontrollable.

why the departure of Florent is printed so clearly in my memory, was a quick shock in your life makes you open the subject unconscious. Taken from the same confusion, we were both driven to tears stigmatization, from the first day of school for fear of change that was imposed after six months of traveling side by side. Fraternal embrace, that mutual seal, was the guarantee that there would be a return, even if we were alone for an endless moment before sunset.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Why Does My Thumb Burn

Addessi - Exhibitions Painting Modern Art

Men - 40 x 60 Pencil

Piano - Oil on canvas 40 x 80
; ; ;

Man - Oil on canvas 40x60

Piano - Acrylic 100 x70

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Latin Kings Nashville

Living as Gypsies: the power of empathy

The last one was in Bulgaria Mihail, what I remember with most affection was Yoshi. The first was Flavien . But in between there were many others such as Damien in Granada, Tom Istanbul. David Porto .

There are many, but where they go, what they do, what do they seek? Just stay, just leave, only to get lost.

I look at them with admiration and fascination, but also with great curiosity to move towards the difficult choices, sometimes sad, in directions lonely without understanding if motivated by a real need or pure idealism. Probably in a search for meaning.

After the enthusiasm of the first voyages and discoveries of the first, the emotions left the field only to lack of peace, times of suffering, to chairs and couches and always deliberately uncomfortable. In suffering continues as doped dall'assuefazione losers.

A search continues for empathy with the world to understand it to integrate it within him that transforms us into taking the commuter train, drinking Turkish Cay, philosophers in watching the sea, nature walk in the woods. We are looking for a contact with the surroundings to a greater understanding of annulling the distance between us and others. That is sometimes tolerates physical loneliness because more than offset by the meditation itself, the company's spiritual nature, the world, other companies and others.

But once perceived the secret mechanisms common to all companies that make a common matrix of people and cultures, there is another way of interacting with the outside world is a magic formula of being in the world, which makes us to relativize the problems and focus attention on what precisely important and cross all cultures, countries, peoples.
That lowest common denominator that can be found all over the world and enables us to live everywhere. What led to define the world as their home and cancel any boundaries. That to which we are going. And in some moments of extreme lucidity or sensory impairment seems to me a projection of the future. We are only the vanguard.

Mihail us up to Plovdiv, Bulgaria's second city, to our luck, because we found him in a break from his long journeys. Unlike others, I met him in his home environment and not steady on the road, in what he calls home, where he has always looked elsewhere. Six months in Italy, with the initial idea to spend a few days, six months in the mountains Swiss, months and months in Siberia, eastern Europe, several times in France and Spain, Morocco, in eastern areas of Turkey, several times, to learn Kurdish, every year in Russia and in its vastness. Mihail Why is Russian father and mother Bulgarian, fluent French, English, Italian and English, he learned Turkish in his travels and also the bases of Greek. A force of empathy, when it means creating and using points of contact and knowledge of other languages \u200b\u200btoo far proves it.

"The more developed and the individual self, the greater our sense of uniqueness and transience of existence, our existential loneliness and the infinitude of the challenges we face in order to exist and thrive. These are our feelings that allow us to empathize with such feelings in others. A more solid feel empathy also allows for a population increasingly individualized to create affiliate links also in social institutions increasingly interdependent, integrated and extended. And 'this process that characterizes what we call "civilization": the excess of blood ties and tribal rehabilitation of individuals distinguished on the basis of associative links. The extension is sympathetic to the psychological mechanism that makes possible the conversion and transition. When we say "civilized" in reality it is as if we say "empathy." J. Rifkin, The Civilization of Empathy .

The house in which he has hosted part of a building still under construction, unfinished, new doors and windows, floors and in health. But with no beds and chandeliers, tile and furniture. Of all that is superfluous. A house that is a support, of course, shared with other people, on a new start. A lifestyle is not for seeking a salary, nor does the mere existence, but only the attempt to "expand the self in time and space, the need to create live, to breathe, to be, above, in fact, necessarily exceeds the needs of reproduction as a function of personal survival. "

Mihail occasionally plays music in the street and raises enough to expand. Moving in all his extensive travels hitchhiking, making accommodate people encountered along the way or using HospitalityClub, in other words, relying on the other. A test of confidence daily. Learn the language of the country in which it stops to live for a bit 'and then again. Possibly lives and stops in nature, in spaces where you do not feel alone, as if it would find itself lost instincts. Now he says that remained to be done only two major trips: the China and the Far East on the one hand, and the Americas on the other, to complete his staff around the world, perhaps in the hope of fulfillment.

" if man is evolution become conscious, surely this is due to his own awareness that she longs to join forces with the universe, in his passionate quest for reality temporal and spatial relations. "

When we left the last time was waiting for the right time to leave and make up a hitchhiking from the Canaries, before winter. Here are the latest supply vessels before re-embarked for the Americas, his next destination.

Mihail, as well as travelers along the course, commenced drawing suggests that there may be a way to man's earthly existence, or that the deepening of the sense of self, the extension of empathy to a broader and inclusive domain of reality and consciousness expansion, they constitute the process by which we explore the transcendent mystery of existence and open up new areas of meaning.

Sociologist Know-Bun Chan summarizes the process:

The authenticity of what I discovered about myself is strengthened because I found confirmation of a part of me in you, and you in me.

Mihail increasingly reinforces itself through its ability to speak multiple languages, the discovery of a condition common to many other people and with a feeling indifferent to the accidents of history that brought you to have one religion over another, one language rather than another, a habit rather than another. The beauty lies in all of them. They are just habits, then so can change as they begin and end. Nothing is sacred, and yet you come to understand that all the little things are sacred. Mihail overcomes the skepticism of people who think that miracles do not exist by adhering to a second category, that he thinks that all life is a miracle.